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How to shoot a 12 guage and what is the weakest shell?




  1. Hold it firmly to your shoulder.  The weakest modern 12 gauge shell is the 'low-base' 2.75" shotgun shell, which will produce a bit more recoil than say a .308 150 grain rifle round.


  2. You shoot it about the same as any other gun. The main thing is to always hold it tight to your shoulder, never loosely to it. The heaver the gun the less it's felt recoil is. Anything you do to add to it's weight such as removing the butt plate and putting weights in the bolt hole there will lessen the recoil. There are many light loads on the market. Your best bet is to talk with your local gun shop.

  3. I would also suggest taking either a hunting class or a firearms class before you even pick up a firearm, loaded or otherwise.

  4. i suggest takinf a hunting safety class in your homestate

  5. I would suggest you to take a hunter saftey or a firearms saftey course, and most states require you to take a hunter saftey course to go a hunting lisence.

  6. if you dont even know how to shoot it, you need someone to show you how to do everything (lode it aim it, ect)

    so you dont hurt your self, or anyone around you.
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