
Hunting tags?

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Isn't it a little ridiculous that for most animals and in most states, you can only buy one tag per year?! I am moving to Oregon, and can't wait to start hunting, and it makes me mad that I can only have one deer, one elk, etc. PER YEAR! Anyone else bothered by this??




  1. Yea ... that would make me mad.  I live in Illinois and you can get more than 1 tag.  Is there a shortage of deer or elk and such there in Oregon or something.  That would be the only reason why I could see them limitting the tags.

  2. That would be a disaster for me- it takes 5-6 deer a year to feed my family, and the legal limit is 6. But this year any you may kill 2 more does in any of the state wildlife refuges- these 2 does will not count toward your limit of six deer, effectively making it an 8 deer limit this year, I live in the south, and we seem to have more liberal limits then the northern or western states do - in the state of Alabama there is no limit on the deer- you may kill one per day each day of the season-and the bow season lasts over 120 days. There is also plenty of deer in the south, almost to the point of the deer becoming a nuisance.- a farmer with a crop in the field, can kill every deer that comes into his field- all year long- but listen to this- he is not allowed to eat the deer -they have to be left in the field to rot- This is one of those believe it or not type of laws- why is this? The deer is dead-he has the legal right to shoot them to protect his crops- why should they care if he eats them or not?

  3. If you were to suddenly give two tags to each person, you would possibly be doubling the amount of animals kill or dividing your chances of getting a tag in half. It just doesn't work that well to just say "give more than one out" without having a plan to support such an idea.

  4. wel i do believe that you can only CARRY one tag at a time. Some zones dont sell there quota in tags, so after you shoot your deer. go and apply for another tag. (check if it is legal first)

  5. Last year in NC we had a max hunting season were you could only take 2 antlered deer but 4 antlerless. But you could get extra antlerless tags , prety much as many does as you could get and I don't think many does were taken so maybe the limits will be the same this year. We are way over populated with whitetail deer here. People here only shoot for antlers I think.

  6. well because alot of people hunt in that area and you can decrease the population and not have any

    one year in Delaware u could only case foxes 2 years later the population increased and now u can hunt 2 a year  k

    let the population regain and u can get more lol our doe pop is outragous u can kill so many around here

  7. One of the really challenging things about being a true sportsman is abiding by the rules, whether it's bag limits, season dates, or size rules. I have had to put back some fish that broke my heart because they were just a little too small. The way to look at it, I guess, is to reconcile with the idea that the deer that you couldn't shoot this year will just be bigger next year, and more, healthier deer make better hunting for all of us.
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