
Hunting with my Weimaraner?

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Novice dog hunter here and i want to do the right thing from the beginning. My pup will be 8 weeks old when i pick him up. Where do i start, i want him to point and retrieve on land and water and even hunt squirrels. I know i have some high hopes but where do i begin.




  1. Easily one of , if not the, smartest dog in the world

    If you are not sure of your abilities get some training either for yourself or the dog

    The dog is well capable of doing all that you are asking of it

  2. You have already begun by your choice of the Weimaraner. They are a jack of all trades type of dog and should be well suited for what you want the dog to do. You should get a good book on training the dog to point and retrieve.Teach the dog one thing at a time, to keep from confusing him.Once he has mastered one thing, start on the other.The dog breed was originated in Germany, and only members of royalty were allowed to own one at that time.They are a fine intelligent dog.Good luck.

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