
Hurdles & 100m sprint?

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Hi yesterday it was sports day at my school i finished hurdles first at 14seconds and 100m sprint 3rd at 13seconds with no added sports gears like spikes or clothing i wanted to know what exercise and workout routines could help me improve my time




  1. There are many ways you can increase your speed depending on many attributes such as your level of fitness, training experience, body composition etc.

    For the average trained athlete the quickest way to increase linear speed is through short sprints with full recovery (5-50m for team sport athletes) and improving technique. Weight training (via improving relative body strength i.e. strength/bodyweight) will help improve speed however without sprinting it will not have much of an impact on increasing your speed, same deal with leaping and bounding plyometric drills and improving flexibility and mobility.

    Improving technique requires a coach to analyze, critique and suggest improvements whether that coach be physically present at your training sessions or not (i.e. posting videos of your training sessions online to your coach is an option).

    For the untrained athlete the quickest way to increase linear speed (as well as agility) is through improvements in body composition (i.e. losing fat if overweight or increasing muscle mass if underweight) and GPP (stands for general physical preparation i.e. in the case of sprinting boosting general fitness and relative body strength).

    Max effort sprinting and agility training is not required until the untrained athlete has reached a suitable body composition and level of GPP.

    Agility refers to the ability to start, stop and change direction. Most training drills that develop agility can be very stressful on the joints and on soft tissue and hence must be done with low volume. Examples of these higher impact drills are plyometric drills (leaping and bounding) and cone drills, while medicine ball drills would fall under the low impact category.

    In the in-season it is not necessary to be working on high impact agility drills as practices and games will cover specific agility required for the sport and doing more agility drills will not provide any extra benefit during this time and will only increase the chance of injury.

    There's a lot of misinformation out there about sprint training, so be careful what you read. In the opinion of most good sprint coaches, getting fast requires you to train smart rather than train hard.

    You shouldn't feel absolutely dead on your feet with bucket loads of lactic acid flooding your muscles after any session (this will only hamper recovery between sessions, which is not ideal as recovery is the key to progress). Whenever you feel you are starting to slow from fatigue, the session should be stopped immediately. It's important to remember you are not training to be a slow, long distance runner, you're training to be a powerful, explosive athlete.

    Before I get into the sample routines I must mention that training to get fast and agile can be very hard on the body (even more so if the volume is higher). Not only do your muscles need time to recover but so does your CNS (Central Nervous System), which controls motor responses to sensory stimulus in the body.

    It is recommended you have at least 48 hours rest between high intensity training days in order to optimize the functioning of the CNS so you can train at your best every high intensity session, so between each high intensity day you can have a low intensity day to recuperate.

  2. Your timings seem to be excellent for some body at schol and without the benefit of coaching.

    Suggest you take  proper coaching including kit, diet and practice on the correct tracks under proper guidance. You have  the potential to rise to the highest level of the game.

    Best of Luck.

  3. well done!!!!! that is a really good time! to train you could go down to your local running track and practice running against your friends and your family :) hope this helps

  4. i'm ELEMENNTAAAAHHRyy....well didn't get to high school..yet BUT ANYWAYYY. YOU know the answer just gotta practicee...why don't you do this: Jog for 1 minute, the sprint all out for 30 seconds...if u can't sprint at least do all out. Or you could do: running with the smallest steps you can..cause running quickly requires smaller quicker steps than long distance..which i am..a long distance runner..if you're going for long distancee:: Jog till tired...and keep track of how much you ran and keep building    a llll the TAAIYMM
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