
Huricane hanna and north carolina.?

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I live in The bottom of North carolina, in jacksonville. we are only a few minutes for the beach, and if hurricane hanna is coming here, what should we do? i have 2 small children and we ive in a mobile home. I read that mobile homes can tip over in hurricanes, and then flooding too... so do we evacuate to another home or a whole nother town? Do we go inland, or what? please please help




  1. if the hurricane is come towards the bottom of north carolina and is getting close to where you live then leave at once mobile homes are the worse place to live especially if a hurricane is coming they evucated alot of people when gustuv came to louisina  it would probally be better to move to another town that isnt close to the beach.find a friend or family member in another town to stay with until the hurricane is gone.

  2. I would definitely take the kids and go. It's not worth the risk.  

  3. IMO, you should be packing now and leave the area. It is not worth risking indeed. The kids needs to be evacuated immediately even if it miss the path....

  4. Well, the projected path could change, so don't always go by it.

    Secondly if Hanna does head for the Carolina coast, If I was you I'd evacuate, due to winds Mobile homes and Winds don't mix. If I was you I'd go to a near shelter in Jacksonville, or if you want to you could go in land. I wouldn't evacuate to another home, don't know if the house could take the winds.

    Hope that helped, Be Safe.  

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