
Hurray! I got points for traffic violation! What did I win?

by  |  earlier

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If I get lots of points, do I win anything? ha ha ha ha




  1. A higher insurance bill!!! Yay! And if you're REALLY good at it...they'll take your license away! Hurray!


  2. the only thing you will win is the right to travel on public transport for at lest 12 months.

    not a great prize lol..

  3. You won a step or two closer to  your license being suspended and you won higher insurance rates for a year or two

  4. Um, yeah ... you "get" to pay more for insurance.

    Some prize, huh?

  5. Traffic Violations are not usually a fun thing to get, so you really just won heartache and pain.. but if you want something really cool, you just won... a brand new CAR!!!! that is if you continue to get points. :D welcome to the real world!

  6. You could exchange it for traffic school. That is so much fun.

  7. After enough points, the chance to use public transportation instead of your own car.  Just tell your friends it's "green".

  8. LOL........good for you! You got points! I PAID to NOT get points! How dumb am I....paying to get nothing?! Next time we should ask the judge how many points we have to save up to get the stuffed animal or set of dinnerware.

  9. One h**l of an insurance bill, you could possibly lose your license if you get enough of them.

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