
Hurricaine bet: Gustave will turn west or turn right before New Orleans?

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CNN has turned this usual late summer series of hurricaines in the SE into a major media event and fused it to the Presidedential election. Wow!!! Which candidate wins on this hurricaine story? Wow!! Can Obama save New Orleans? Did Bush cause this awesome, strange event? Stay tuned, folks, you ain't seen nothing yet!




  1. How can a potential category FIVE be minor news?  

    It's disrupting the RNR?  THANK would bound to be as boring as McCains autobiography.

  2. We should just name the next two hurricanes after our candidates and whichever kills more people wins.

  3. My vote, it'll turn West, head either into Dallas or Austin and the evacuees from Louisiana will have to leave into some other state and we'll finally be rid of them!!!

  4. Yeeeeeah...Geo.Bush caused Gustav. LOL.

    It  is like saying Geo.Bush is responsible for Katrina, 9/11, loss of civilian lives in Iraq, Af'stan, sub-prime fiasco, foreclosures, stock market crash, recession .... so on and so forth.

    Get a handle folks. Gustav, George? The similarities end with the first letter.

    After that, everything else is a happenstance.

    Let's hope there will be no unnecessary loss of lives in this major catastrophe, yet to strike us come Monday or early Tuesday.

  5. Gustav will slam directly into New Orleans.  The inadequate levees will again collapse.  The same people who stayed during Katrina will be there again, wailing for federal help.  The event will completely overshadow the Republican convention.  Obama will rush to New Orleans to lead rescue efforts.  Most people will blame the storm on McCain.

  6. To me, the most remarkable thing will be how much better the initial response to the threat will be with a Republican Governor in Louisiana rather than a Democrat like during Katrina. It will be a lesson in leadership that was sorely lacking under the Democrat Governor.


  7. I agree, this storm has political winds.

  8. McCain is happier than h**l inside.

    Bush and Cheney aren't coming, they are sending poor Laura?

  9. It won't turn and that city will be underwater again asking for federal aid. Ridiculous.

  10. Katrina Reloaded.

  11. I wouldn't be surprised everybody will blame the hurricane of George Bush.

  12. Oh yeah, George formed this hurricane with his hurricane machine. o-o

  13. Lives are going to be lost.

    Hopefully it turns up your back side and reams you a new one.

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