
Hurricane Bertha?

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the projected path of hurricane bertha isnt that close to new york, but i hate taking chances after seeing what happend to illoniss should i be worried of this thing haveing a chanve to hit new york?




  1. as of right now:

    1. it looks like Hurricane Bertha is going to curve towards a more northeasterly track

    2. Hurricane Bertha is weakening &

    3. water tempatures are not high enough up there to keep Hurricane Bertha a hurricane


    11:14 CDT

  2. No, Even if it does come our path Bertha will be very week cause our waters are cold and huricanes need warm water to survive. Thats why the huricanes are very stong by Florida cause the water is warmer.

    Hope i made you feel betta. :)

    I live on long island.

  3. Obviously projected paths can change, but right now the projected path is that it should go east of bermuda and continue on towards the north well away from the coast.

  4. Anyone who has worked behind the scenes doing emergency response drills on disasters in NYC area, knows, a hurricane  can hit NYC. A category 4 or 5 even can hit the city.

    If you want to follow a hurricane this is a great site.

  5. well you live on a costal state but the likely hood of you getting more than a whole lot of rain is unlikely. if you look it looks to be moving right so you likely get rain and wind. however mother nature is a ***** and shes unhappy right now (you notice all the earth changes going on) with that being said who really knows. thats part of life. good luck

  6. no...way........btw is illinois anywhere near the ocean?

  7. You are probably ok. But I love a good natural disaster.

  8. The models show that it is going out to sea.  And it should weaken as well.

  9. I think the likelihood of anything but rougher seas is doubtful,  in the coastal New York area.   It's path is fairly typical following the gulf stream and storms tend to veer when their is nothing keeping them more southward,  like an area of high pressure or maybe a front that would steer it in the direction of the frontal boundary.

  10. New York unlike New Orleans is above sea level , don't worry...

  11. Having been through quite a few hurricanes myself, you never really know the actual path until it hits.  Winds and currents can alter the direction, along with any fronts or other weather systems.  Not to mention, the temp. of the water.  Warmer water, more danger.  

    The best thing to do is keep an eye on it and watch it.  Along with being prepared.  Prepare your place of residence, have enough food/water/batteries to last you a week, etc.  You can find out more info at the weather channel or any place else that has hurricane info.

    Do not wait until the last minute to prepare--if it looks like it's coming your way, do whatever needs to be done.  Be ready is the key.

  12. i'm not sure, but i did hear about that one
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