
Hurricane Dean Headed for Mexico- I am going on a cruise to Mexico???

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Let me know if I am over reacting. My fiance and I are getting married 9/9/07- We leave for our Honey Moon on Monday 9/10/07. We are going on a cruise to Mexico (leaving LA) With hurricane dean at a stage 5(Heading towards Mexico) Should we really re- think this? Will Cancun, Puerto Villarta, Cabo, be wiped out like Katrina did in the States? All input is appreciated- thank you in advance!




  1. Don't panic, normally Mexican beaches are pretty safe, the hurricane is reducing its size and speed , it will very likely hit Cancun as a tropical storm, it won't hit Puerto Vallarta since Vallarta is on the other side of Mexico. ç

    It is Hurricane season though, so just keep up-dated on the weather channels and on internet. better safe than sorry...

  2. You need to LOOK AT A MAP.  Where you are travelling is nowhere near the hurricane.  Cabo is at the tip of Baja California and Puerto Vallarta is on the west coast of Mexico.  You will be on  the WEST coast of Mexico...the Pacific side.  The hurrican is in the Gulf of Mexico , on the EAST side of Mexico.

  3. Cancun is on one coast (GULF) and Puerto Vallarta and Cabo are on the other (SEA OF CORTEZ/PACIFIC).

    Which of these places are you cruising to?

    Cabo and Puerto are perfectly safe.. Cancun will take a pounding, but will not be wiped out.

  4. The cruise would be canceled if they knew that the hurricane would hit.

  5. Cruise ships take great care and can easily sail around hurricanes. They may need to change the ports of call but it's soooo much better than being trapped on an island with all the airports closed. I'd wait until the 5th or 6th of Sept. and then decide whether to go or not. Read a copy of your insurance, it may or may not cover hurricanes.

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