
Hurricane Dean?

by Guest67183  |  earlier

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the Catagory 5 Hurricane Dean is hitting 2 of the 4 ports of call for my Feb '08 cruise (Belize City and Costa Maya). hopefully they will be ready to receive ships by then. i'd hate for my itinerary to be changed to a place that i've already been to. is anyone booked on a near future cruise that has these ports of call?




  1. Unless the huricane does some major damage where a lot of rebuilding has to be done you should be fine by next year. Also their is plenty of time for the cruise line to notify you of any port changes.

  2. Lets hope you are not diverted to Progresso....What a h**l hole.

    Jackie....You need to take yo self-riotous

    tail to another forum!

    This is a Q & A site...Not church!

  3. How nice of you to think about yourself and your selfish needs when people are dying in this horrific storm.....Do you even know the seriousness of what is happening to those poor people???   The timing of your question SUCKS and is in VERY poor taste.   Being that your trip is not until NEXT YEAR!!!!   How about saying a prayer for these people and give it some time ....

  4. yeah i read about the hurricane


    i have a friend who works in Beliz...

    i heard it's gonna be really strong

    sorry to know about your cruise

    i would never like that happening to me either

  5. i would contact the cruise line after hurricane "dean" has passed. they would have more information.   Also to keep up to date on hurricanes and their paths go to for a cruise that far away i think you might be safe thinking that you would be able to see the ports you want BUT, the cruiselines always say they can change ports at any time with out notification or financial remuneration to their customers. Good luck.

  6. I was in the exact same situation last summer, where i had a cruise booked and i thought that i was going to be able to go to the port of call that was on out itinerey...but it ended up being fine..the hurricane was just like Dean, except it happened in august and my cruise was booked for january...the ports of call will be fine...hope this helps!! = ]

  7. You have probably just put down a deposit.  Bug the cruise line to see what they will do.  Belize City is a dump so if they offer an alternative you're probably better off.  If not try the Eastern Caribbean--its better anyway.  I've been on both so I know.  Good Luck
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