
Hurricane Fay is coming my way!?!?

by  |  earlier

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I live in Fl and am in the projected pathway of Fay. I have food, water flashlight, batteries, meds, shelter locations, full tank of gas, and I'm going out to buy a battery radio when I get out of work. Am I missing anything. What else do I need to be prepared?




  1. blankets and pillows, first aid kit, a phone and just be as careful as you can,,, hope youre well informed,

  2. I live in Florida too - and this isn't so much something you need to get but something to watch out for - sometimes the power will go out and you will need to make sure all the raw food in your fridge is cooked so it doesn't go bad and start to stink. That happened to us and it was dreadful! Also - fill up the bathtub so if you need to you can fill up the toilet after you flush it if it comes to that. Also - water bottles are good to have.  Hope you stay safe!


  3. I pray for protection over you at this time..just keep praying.

  4. we get gas in our grill to make sure we can cook hot meals for the kids if there is no electric.But we have never lost electric because ours runs under ground.!!people tend to lose it who have power running above ground.

    if you have medicines get those..

    Stock up on ICE incase fridge goes out we put it in keep what food you have in fridge..

    anything important throw in rubber maid containers and put up high because of water flowing in...

  5. I live in FL too, but not worried about it.  It will be a Cat 1 when it hits land, so its not too bad.  Im in the Tampa area, and am not too worried and its suppose to be heading in this direction.  The biggest thing I would be worried about are things that aren't replaceable, like morgage papers, things like that and also passports, IDs and documents for your cars/home etc. I also like to have my photos in a water proof box so you dont have to worry about losing priceless things..

  6. From experience, I recommend getting a can or two of propane if you have a propane grill!

    If you don't have a propane grill, you may seriously consider buying the cheapest one you can's why:

    During hurricane Charley, the entire area of Fort Myers/Cape Coral was powerless/waterless/etc for almost a week, some specifica areas (like the out barrier island I lived on) were without power for over 2 weeks.

    If there's no power, grocery stores, restaurants, drugstores, and gas stations all cease to operate at normal capacity and you run out of places to eat/get fresh food/etc.

    If you have a propane grill (especially the kind with the burner on the side like a stove) you can continue to cook and eat your food while having no power, plus you can boil water should you have the water source become possibly contaminated.

    Some tips:

    Get a huge cooler and stock it with dry ice. Once you lose power, start putting the dry ice into the fridge/freezer a block at a time. Your goods will stay good longest this way.

    If you have a chest freezer, layer the stuff in it with cry ice (or top it off with dry ice) and seal it up.

    If you lose power for more then a day, most stores cannot run their entire cold section (as well as coolers and storage) off of their generators...go to the stores and check for items they're throwing out...many times they will give you frozen goods cheap to free since they aren't likely to be able to keep them frozen and sellable after the storm.

    If you DO have a gas grill, be sure to use up frozen stuff first since stuff you would normally put in the fridge will generally last longer at warmer temps then stuff frozen.

    Fill your tub(s) with water. You may need it to flush the toilets with later, or you might even need it to drink depending on how long the water is out. (sometimes water stays out longer then power!)

    And...don't worry! Unless it's a Cat 3 or better you likely won't have to deal with anything!

    Best of luck!

  7. you might want to bring an extra sweatshirt.  it will get cold!!  good for you for being prepared and hope it all ends well!


  8. May God protect you during the storm!  You seem prepared but I'm not an expert considering I've never been in a hurricane.  Good luck and you'll be in my thoughts!

  9. Tornado's I feel they could be worse then the Hurricane they always seem to crop up pretty quick in FL.

  10. The radio you get-make certain its one of those NOAA

    radios-that pick up weather emergencies.

    Got any medicine you might need? Like prescription medicines. Try to have more than you need because it might be a while before the pharmacies are open again. Also remember your pets if you have any. Anything that your pets might need.

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