
Hurricane Gustav, who else is scared???

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I live in Lake Charles, Louisiana and hopefully it won't hit here. If it does come though, we are headed to Houston, yuck, but my mom's work is putting her up in a suite, so thought I would tag along with my daughter :)

Anyone else maybe going to evacuate??? and where do you live? and where are you going?

everyone else please pray for us!!! Pray we have a home to come back to and not the same results from Rita.

Thanks Yall!!!




  1. I live in uptown New Orleans. We're leaving tomorrow afternoon for Dallas.

    This is such an emotional time for us anyway, and this storm having the possibility of being worse than Katrina is really breaking our hearts. I could see it in the faces of the people walking down Magazine street today.

    Hopefully this won't be as bad as they are saying, and hopefully we will be able to come back home in at least a week.

    My father just went to the French Quarter to say goodbye.

    Its so sad.

    Good luck my fellow New Orleanians, and everyone else, please send us good vibes and prayers during this horrible and trying time.

  2. I'm scared. I live in St. Bernard Parish and I am going to stay with relatives in Hammond. During Katrina I got over eight feet of water and I just moved back about a month ago and I didn't expect to evacuate so soon. I'm praying I have a home to come back to. Good luck in Houston, thats where I evacuated to for Katrina.

  3. I live in Cut Off which is in Lafourche Parish. I live about 30 miles from the Gulf. We are next door to Terrebonne Parish. We are going North to some friends up there. Good Luck Everyone!

  4. i live in lafayette and im a bit worried to say the least.....  ive grown up around hurricanes but this is the first one that i have a child (he is six months old) and that really puts things in a different light.

  5. well i'm terrified i live in baton rouge and it looks like we will be on the bad side of the storm especially since it's forcasted to be a CAT. 4 but i will keep you & everyone else in my prayers

  6. Rita was a much more intense. Poor Lake Charles, they were lost in the whole Katrina fresco. Most people do not even realize just how bad Rita actually was.

    I live in Lafayette, Louisiana. It looks like Gus is starting to move a little more west. Lafayette got her *** kicked in 2002 by Lilly.

  7. I live in a small area near baton rouge so im scared to death dude, remember we r all going through this together.

  8. I'm from Mobile and i'm as scared as you

  9. We are terrified. We live about 45 minutes from New Orleans and hope it doesn't increase when it hits the gulf. They say it is highly likely since Hurricane Katrina and Rita did the same. The warm water will just make it stronger. If it hits near New Orleans we will catch the bad side of it and it's effects could be horrible!

    We may head to North Mississippi. We are waiting to see what is going to happen. We have friends from New Orleans who just got back into their home and are having to evacuate again.

    I'll keep you and your family and everyone else in my prayers. Everyone stay safe, be careful, and I hope no one has any damage! I wish it would die out in the gulf but that's wishful thinking! :)

  10. I live in ascension parish and am very scared im so scared im cryin

  11. If it comes back here, then I stand ready to do my civic duty like I did the last time.

  12. I am in New Orleans and i am leaving tomorrow afternoon/ night for destin hopefully it weakens in the gulf (even though thats not likely) so that everyone can return home next week  

  13. I am in Eunice, Louisiana and I am starting to get a little scared. But your a lot closer than us. Stay safe and GOD Bless!!! We are going to stay here in Eunice

  14. I hope that you are okay. I live in socal so I am thankful that I do not have to deal with earthquakes. I have to deal with wildfires. This world is so full of dangerous things. I wish you well. Stay safe and stay smart. I will pray for you and god bless you.

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