
Hurricane Gustav; and a 3 month old baby ??

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I live in Conroe, Tx...just north of Houston. I just have a question...

well first of all, they do not yet know for sure where Gustav will make landfall [ between southeastern Tx - Florida panhandle ]..but they are saying it could be a major hurricane when it a category 3 or 4. If it does show its going to hit around & my fiance and our 3 month old daughter are going to go to my uncles in Oklahoma. I cant have my 3 month old in a house where most likely there probably wont be electricity. My question IS: what do i bring with me? i know clothes and all that...any advice will work; thanks.




  1. Formula if you formula feed, or if you breastfeed dont forget your breast pump.  Blankets, plenty of diapers and wipes.  A play pen if you have one for her to sleep in, and whatever else you think is necessary.

    Oh yeah and take plenty of gallons or bottled water just incase the water supply gets messed up during this time.

  2. Make sure you take important papers like social security cards, birth certificates, etc. in case of flooding, tornados, or wind damage to your house.  You may want to take albums too...just in case.  Besides that take plenty of everyday necessities for you and the baby.  Bless you all and your nest!  

  3. Any daily necessities that you might need for yourself and the baby. Also bring your most cherished items in case your home has damage after the storm.

    Good luck and be safe!

  4. What's wrong with no electricity?  You should have a 72 hour emergency kit no matter where you live, but ESPECIALLY if you are in a hurricane/tornado area.  Millions of people around the world live without electricity.  Gotta say, if I ever lived in an area like that, I'd breastfeed for as LONG as possible so I'd always have a source of infant/child nourishment.

    Make sure to take ALL important paperwork, back up copies of photos, food for you, diapers or your potty if you do EC, medications, etc.

  5. Hello there!  I'm in Conroe also, moved here after hurricane Rita.

    Please do evacuate with the baby if Gustav hits here.  Take with you all medicines, copies of prescriptions if you have them, insurance papers, birth certificates, social security cards, passports and shot records.  Anything that you wouldn't want to stand in line for 10 hours for.  If you have a safe, rummage though it to be sure you have everything that is important.  If it comes in as a 2 or higher and you live in a 100-year-flood zone or risky zone, take everything you can and put it as high as you can.  TV's on counters, DVDs, electronics, etc.

    Bring enough clothes for 2 weeks.  I know that seems like a lot, but if something should happen to your home, you'll appreciate it.  Bring all photographs and your computer tower, and anything else with sentimental value.  Yes, your car will be packed to the brim.  You'll hate packing it, you'll hate unpacking it, but will appreciate it if you have to have it.  

    Here's hoping that the stupid storms turn right around and fizzle out.  

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