
Hurricane Ike, a possibility for it to hit Louisiana?

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Any forecasters know how much of a chance is there for Ike to not turn north and head west directly to Louisiana.




  1. like 30%, i'm mastering in meteorology! so don't be to worried!!!:)

  2. The new forecast models put out by NOAA's National Hurricane Center show Ike turning west after the high pressure front north of the storm starts to dissapate, and it is predicted to hit anywhere from So. Florida to the Keys again.

    The 5-day track scares me, even though you can't take that as very accurate yet, because it is predicted to go past Florida and Cuba and turn NW, looking very much like it could head towards NOLA or Mississippi, which could be awful, especially if Ike does not hit South florida, and stays over mostly open waters, giving it a chance to stay strengthened, and then over the warm waters of the Gulf.

    Everyone needs to pray to god that forecast track is wrong! Ike is a much stronger and well developed storm compared to Gustav, and look at what Gustav did to many areas in LA and MS... I can't imagine that NOLA would fare very well if a strong well developed Cat 4 or 5 storm came and hit.  

  3. Yes, they've changed the projected path and have Ike headed straight towards New Orleans, unfortunately.  Of course, he's still a few days away and things can change--let's hope they do.

    An easy way to track Ike is with It has a special section of links to Ike's projected path, National Hurricane Center and local news coverage, hurricane preparation tips, live streaming webcams, and other Ike-related stuff.

  4. It's predicted to go towards South Florida and then go towards the panhandle of Florida. I'd keep an eye on it just in case.

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