
Hurricane Katrina versus Hurricane Dolly?

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I was watching the news this morning and I was really blown away by what I heard regarding the hurricane that is currently in the Gulf. Hurricane Katrina happened in 2005 (I think) and you’d THINK we’d have learned lots and lots of lessons as a country regarding hurricanes. But from the comments I heard on the news, I’d have to say that the United States has set themselves up yet again for a disaster. And maybe I’m wrong and I hope I’m wrong….

On the news they were saying that if the 20 inches of rain that’s expected from Hurricane Dolly in fact comes to TX, that the levees may not hold. ARE YOU SERIOUS??

I’m very irritated over this. And I hope I’m not offending anyone. I’m just really curious as to why or how the US hasn’t checked ALL levees in the US for damage. At least the main ones that are in trouble in the event those levees break and those that are in hurricane zones….




  1. Our current adminastration is far to busy throwing millions of dollars away on a cival war and crashing the dollar for the benefit of bailing out their rich buddies on wall street.

    to be concerned about Hurricanes.

  2. There is a tremendous difference in population density  between the areas affected by Katrina and the ones that might possibly be affected by Dolly. With high population comes residences, businesses and infrastructure such as streets and highways.

    The Rio Grande Valley is quite rural in comparison and Cameron County (South Padre Island, Brownsville, Port Isabel) is very prepared for hurricanes, so any wind/rain damage should be minimal.

    The University of Texas/Brownsville is what concerns me. The campus is only a few blocks from the Rio Grande River.

  3. A natural disaster is a very devastating thing, and yes, you are right to think that there would be measures taken to prevent the same kind of damage if it happens again,....~but~ it basically comes down to the fact that the government will have to spend money that it doesn't have, one something that may not happen, so they just put their head in the sand and hope for the best. I personally would like to see the government officials live in the areas that were destroyed by the hurricane 'Katrina', not for a day, but for as long as some of those people did that stayed because they had to. There would be changes made, guaranteed. The only people you will offend by this are the people who can do something about things like this and won't. People with a heart and conscience think as you do.

  4. I hear your frustration.  You might want to check with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and find out from them what they have been doing since Katrina.  It is this organization which is primarily responsible for the leeves and flood control in the U.S.  You sound like you could be a great activist in keeping them honest.

  5. It amazes that people still do not understand why Katrina was such a disaster. I have grown up in school learning New Orleans would one day be underwater. N.O. is a like a soup bowl located between a lake and a river. About 12 feet under sea level! The levies have been neglected by our LOCAL government. Mississippi had gotten the brunt of the storm. N.O.'s levies broke b/c they could only withhold a catogory 3 hurricane.

    Dolly is nothing, what a tropical storm or a catagory 1 hurricane. That is nothing. I have been through countless hurricanes. A cat 4 or 5 and you should evacuate.

  6. you really want ALL the levies in the US checked/fixed? Have you seen the status of our highways and bridges? Who is going to pay for all this? You're a liberal, go find "da rich" and tax them some more.

  7. i live in mercedes, tx and hurricane dolly is about to hit in a couple of hours.

    i actually think they are taking lots of precautions aside from the levees.

    the levees haven't been taken care of for 41 years since hurricane bula. there is 41 years worth of deterioration that should have been taken care of

    other than that tho we already have red cross, soldiers, and national guard here. there are lots of shelters open.

    that and it is only a category 2. that is still a big deal but no where near as bad as katrina.

    but i do believe they should have taken care of the levees.

    you make an excellent point.

  8. I have no idea to tell you the truth..I am from Brownsville which is right in the middle of the hurricane..Luckily my power hasnt gone out but many peoples have..I'm just here Well anyway yeah the news does say we should get flooded..I really hope not..We will see what happens...Wish me Luck!!!!

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