
Hurricane hannah, ike and josephine???

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does anyone know much about these hurricanes at the mo, im going to cuba on wed 10th sept and staying in cayo cocos, im a little worried and not too sure weather to cancel???




  1. hanna is not going to directly hit Cuba, you'll be fine.

  2. dont go, unless you wanna die

  3. I just listened to the weather channel about 10 minutes ago...and hanna isn't heading towards Cuba. Sure things can change and one never knows what can happen, but it doesn't seem to be hitting Cuba at this time.

    Cayo Coco usually gets more of the heavy rains as opposed to being hit hard by the hurricanes. A friend of mine who is in Ciego de Ávila and works at Tryp Cayo Coco and didn't mention any hurricane problems. And we'd had communication on the day of Gustav made landfall in Cuba...but it had hit on the most westernly tip (Pinar del Río).

    Anyway, the best thing you can do is just keep watching the hurricane center (on TV CNN, or online). If anything would happen in Cuba, you'll be safe because Cuba protects their citizens and tourists. But if the weather poses any danger, the airline won't allow travel.

    But most likely Hanna shouldn't be a problem for Cayo Coco. But Ike and Josephine storms I don't know yet about. They're just starting.

    Just keep watching the news.

    Enjoy Cayo Coco.

  4. Hanna is currently thought to track north and hit the eastern United States.

    Ike is currently on a path towards Cuba and will reach the area next week.

    Josephine is to far out in the ocean to have a direct path.  

    All of the storms are currently a tropical storm but will strengthen the more time spent over warm waters.  It is also very common that hurricanes will turn at the last minute.  This saved New Orleans from a direct hit by Gustiv.  

    Watch the weather very closely and pay very close attention to Ike and Josephine.  By Saturday you should have a better idea of where they are headed and how strong they are projected to become.

  5. Nobody at the present, except God Almighty, knows that. It is too early to tell. May be or not

  6. We in the TCI have just been entertaining Hanna (who was one of those awkward guests and who didn't seem to want to go and is likely to turn up once again on her way further north) and are bracing ourselves for Ike and Josephine. You shouldn't cancel your trip if you are insured, as then you will get no compensation. If Cuba is suffering from a hurricane, no planes will take off in that direction and so someone else will have to do the sorting out for you.

    This is the link you need for tracking the paths of the hurricanes. You had better check with your tour company as to what they plan to do. They will certainly have sorted out some kind of contingency arrangement.

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