
Hurricane help? when should i go?

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I live in what is the orange zone in south Louisiana the emergency plan post by Louisiana says that area should leave 30 hours before land fall I only have two place to go east Texas or west Mississippi and I don't want to wait to long and have to stay i also have an infant and need to be careful how and when I leave when should we go




  1. Go to east Texas. It will hit less there. I'm going to Texas too for Gustav.

  2. well make sure you have everything packed up first, baby food, water, GAS. I am also concerned about this storm. Just stay tuned on the news and don't sit around and wait if you have family you can go 2 you should leave 2morrow. Take care of your child. Ill be doing the same except I don't have anywhere to go. Good luck and don't freak out about it, if you plan ahead then it makes it smoother

  3. Here's the dilemma. The two computer models that I feel are the most reliable, the UKMET and the GDFL, have shifted Gustav to the WEST of New Orleans. So evacuating to Texas may actually put you in the path of Gustav. So if you can go north, even 100 miles inland, that may be your best bet.

    Traveling with a child can present significant challenges, even more so with an infant. So if you do feel like you have to evacuate, make sure you take extra formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, water, etc.

    A decent rule of thumb for evacuating is this: Get supplies now. Even if you wind up not evacuating, you'll probably still use them. A Hurricane Watch is issued 36 hours in advance. So I would sit tight until then. If a Watch is posted, then think about going. (Use my Sources to get a better idea where Gustav is going.)

    A Hurricane Warning means that hurricane conditions will occur within 24 hours. If a Warning is posted for where you live, evacuate as soon as possible. Roads will clog up with evacuees quickly, and you don't want to be in a car for hours with an infant.

    Also, buy a gas can and fill it up before you leave, and I recommend putting Rain X on all car windows.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Right now projected landfall time somewhere along the Gulf coast is sometime Monday night, which would mean for the criteria you have given, you decision would have to made no later than sometime Sunday afternoon.  If you live in a flood prone area you would probably be wise to get ready to leave regardless, as the effects of a hurricane are much more than just the strong winds.  You can see the latest information on Gustav here:

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