
Hurricane=sooner labor??

by  |  earlier

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I was at the store and a woman was tellin me that ill probaly hav my baby right before the hurricane, right aftr or durin the hurricane bc sumthen wit the atmosphere!!! I'm 38wks pregnant!! And the hurricane is scheduled to hit tuesday!! Cud this happen??




  1. I am from Florida so I have heard this too.  I think they used to have all women over a certain number of weeks go to the hospital during the hurricane just in case.   I don't think that it is done anymore, though.  I would call your doctor and ask his/her office staff about that.  Or call the hospital if you are nervous and ask if you could just ride out the storm there just in case.  

  2. the weather will not cause you to go into labor but stress might and just remember that babies come when they want

  3. yes you are at a great risk of going into labor. i've lived in south Alabama my entire life, i have witnessed this several times, my mom actually went into early labor with my brother because a hurricane hit the area.  it is because of the low pressure, doctors will warn you that if you are far along in your pregnancy that you should either evacuate or be within minutes of a hospital. it depends on where you live and if the pressure will affect you, you should give your doctor a call and ask him what you need to do...

  4. I've never heard that. I've heard the moon cycles having something to do with it but who knows. The baby's going to come when it's ready.

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