
Hurt Arm please answer as soon as possible?

by  |  earlier

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I was with a bunch of friends, and my brothers friends to. We were all playing Basketball. One of my brothers friends grabbed my arm, and twisted it back and to the side trying to get the ball from me. It has been 3-4 days since this injury has happen. There is pain, swelling, tenderness, limited motion, pain radiating, weakness. What do you have think I could have done. I know it could be a number of things, and i'm aware you can't see my arm. But please any ideas or suggestions would be nice, also if you think I should see a doctor. I'm planning to on Monday. If anyone can answer as soon as possible that would be great.





  1. It is possible that you have a spiral break, or maybe that you have some torn muscles.  You really should see a dr, asap.

  2. If the pain or swelling has not gone down or subsided at all then you need to be seen ASAP.  You likely have torn a tendon or possibly even broken a bone. Intense pain and swelling 4 days after injury is not normal for a minor injury which leads me to believe you probably need further tests and probably an orthopedic consult.

    Good luck.

  3. I am a pediatrician and you need to get an ex-ra. I am 99.9% sure that you broke it or your friend broke it. If I didn't spell ex-ra right then this is what I mean go to the hospital tomorrow.

  4. What hurts the wrist, the elbow, the shoulder. Off the explanation that you gave, doesn't really help, it could be dislocated, but we would have to know more on the direction and location of the injury or it could be hyper-extended or many other things. You need to give details about the way the injury happened (like the wrist was bent to the left as he twisted the arm to your back) and what the specific part looks like and where exactly it hurts.  

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