
Hurt Goldfish!! =[?

by  |  earlier

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I got anew goldfish and put him in this little tank and this other sucker fish I guess was attacking it and I found it tonight having troubles swimming and lots of his little scales are off so I moved him into a bowl by himself and...I don't know what else to do! Will he be okay??




  1. he should be fine if your really concerned call your local vet and ask or take a picture and take it to your local petstore and ask someone who works in the fish department.

  2. His only real chance of survival would be if you went and got an appropriate tank, which would be 10+ gallons as a START.  If you got a Common Goldfish, you'd be looking at a 55+ gallon tank eventually, while a Fancy should be in a 20+ as an adult.  These are NOT small fish!  The "sucker fish" is probably a Pleco or Algae Eater, both of which produce a lot of waste and won't do well at the cooler temperatures Goldfish need.  On top of that, you'd need large tanks for either, so I'd recommend getting rid of it.  If you can get the Goldfish into a real, filtered tank with a fair volume, there is a good chance he will regenerate the scales and heal without issue.  In a bowl, the stress from basically suffocating and being poisoned by your own waste (in the form of ammonia) will kill the fish far before the injury.

    EDIT: Keeping it in the bowl, whether you add aeration or not, is a death sentence.  Adding rock salt would only expedite this-- rock salt, unlike table salt, is unrefined, so all the impurities, many of which are fairly toxic metals, are going to go straight into the fish's water.

  3. put rocksalt and aeration to the bowl he will be okay.

  4. This sucker fish you are talking about must be a pleco or Chinese algae eater.They should never be mixed with goldfish as they will suck and feed on the goldfish's slime coat and that cause damage to the goldfish.Compatible tankmates with goldfish except other goldfish are on the following site (your algae eater must be a common pleco, avoid them but try a bristlenose pleco or rubbernose pleco)

    And goldfish need a bigger tank of about 20 or 30 gallons so a lesser tank is not suitable..

  5. I think he should be fine. I had a gold fish that got stuck to the cleaning pump. I dont know how long he was there for but his face was being sucked on forever how long and he was ok.
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