
Hurt. Who can I tell?

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Whenever im on my own, i get and urge to self harm. Not in a cutting way but in a pinch, punch or scratch way. I know people are going to say "talk to someone" but who??

My parents have just split up so I can't spring this on my mum, my sister is never here. My brother is 8. My friends won't understand and are off to college soon. ??

Oh, I don't know...




  1. Who: anyone who is close to you. Preferably a best friend (someone who is not going to run and call an ambulance right away). Actually, it's pretty great that you are admitting it, and that can help you heal yourself...

    I know what you mean though. Sometimes I just get so frustrated with myself, or I feel so much pain inside that I feel that I just need to take it out on myself. I find that screaming helps. Do it into a pillow though.

    You need to take care of yourself. This could turn into something worse.

    Also, I talk to my pets about my pain a LOT. If you have a cat or even a goldfish, I honestly don't think they'll mind if you vent about anything and everything. Feel free.

    On more thing: Never let the little things build up. Most of the time they are the things that make you angry or sad enough to explode. Vent as much as possible to pets, journals, or pillows.

    Laugh a lot. Even if it's not funny. ESPECIALLY if it's not funny. BECAUSE it's not funny.

  2. just because your parents have split up doesnt mean you have to spare them

    tell her. she'll be relieved you told her before it got bad.

  3. maybe you should talk to your mom about it because it could just be a phase that you are going through, but if not your mom should really know. just because your parents just split dosent mean they dont have time for you or your problems. your mom will be more relieved if you tell them about these problems rather than letting her find out about them another kind of way.

  4. That happens to me sometimes...

    I just slap myself across the face really hard

    To wear it hurts alot & then i dont hurt myself again

    Becuz it hurt alot Or just dont think about it,

    Play a videogame read a interesting Book

    Take a nice bath & put lotion on

    It works for me alot.

    But it wouldnt hurt to talk to yer mom about it either :)

    tella friend too or something
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