
Hurt my big toe but little swelling?

by  |  earlier

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I hurt my big toe and there is some swelling but no bruising. But it harder for me to bruise (i don't know why). I went to the doctors and they took no x-rays and said it was fine just ice and motrin(I was there for a check up). It hurts a lot when I walk. What could I do to make walking easier? Should I return to the doctor or just forget it? If my toe is broken then I know it can be casted since its my big toe. I cant tie it to the next toe because it makes it hurt more.




  1. Try buying those "gellin'" things and put on slippers instead of shoes. Try to eliminate any walking.

  2. Well I am sorry about your big toe! If the doc says it is not broken then I would trust him! probably not walking on it would help it not hurt if you did walk on it :) But just wait a few more days and see how it goes if it really Really REALLY hurts bad then I say go back to the doc and tell him that you would like a x-ray!

    hope you feel better!

  3. wheelchair idk if it hurts that bad

  4. Maybe you can tape a pop cycle stick to it and wrap just the big toe.

  5. There is nothing to do for a broken toe. So take it easy and don;t worry.

  6. It is not possible to know without an x-ray if it is broken or not. You need to go to the emergency room where they will need to give you an x-ray.

    Stop listening to people who say nothing can be done for a broken toe. A big toe is different than the rest of your toes it can be set in a cast that wraps around your foot and up your leg part-way.

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