
Hurt thumb in volleyball?

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ok so today in P.E. we were playing volleyball for the first time in a year. i kept on serving the ball, and eventually the joints on my index finger and thumb, near the knuckles got red and hurt alot whenever touched. its been about 4 or 5 hours, and now, its red, but the center of it is a little elevated and a little lighter than my skin tone. what does that mean?




  1. One, you shouldnt serve with ure hand.

    You serve with ure wrist.

    So thats kind of ure fault.

    Put ice on it and move on.

    Ive gotten worse injuries than that.

  2. jammed it

  3. go to the emergency room now go hurry it could be broken hope it feels better.

  4. since you haven't played in a while your fingers probably just got sore from not using them in a while, ice it and take some pain medication and you should be fine..f the pain is steady for more then a week go see a doctor

  5. you jammed it. put ice on it to reduce redness and swelling

  6. it is definitely jammed ice will work best and it is not your fault, you are SUPPOSED to serve with your hand, not your wrist

  7. Every once in a while what will happen is one of your blood vessels or veins gets irritated and will swell up.

    I was hitting consistently one day and my thumb on the inside turned black and blue, well it turns out from all of the thin skin I was pounding the ball right where my vein was located under my skin. The vein swelled up and hurt really bad, I went home and iced it.

    Make sure that when you are serving you open your hand for over hand serves, for under hand serves you need to not hit the ball so hard, to avoid getting hurt.

  8. Sounds like you jammed it. Ice for 15 mins then leave ice off for 15 and repeat.

  9. ya you probably jammed it. next time this happens, immediately pull on the finger, it will cause mild pain, but it reduces the swelling and actually speeds up the healing process. then ice it. anyone who blocks in volleyball is bound to jam at least five or six fingers.

  10. You probably jammed your finger.  You should put some ice on it.

  11. That's very serious! Put a mixture of vinegar and peroxide on it right away!

  12. I don't exactly know why your fingers are like that, but you may want to ask a volleyball coach or a trainer. You could possibly be serving wrong and it's effecting your fingers. Well i hope they get better.

  13. Yes.. you most likely jammed it....i would recommend icing it and if it continues to be sore when you play volleyball i would ask my p.e. coach or whoever to tape it.... if that doesnt work you just rest your hand...(that sounds funny)

  14. It does sound like you jammed it. Ice it for a day or two and it should get better, although jammed fingers just take time. I jam my fingers all the time when I block.

    Now, you shouldn't jam your fingers when you serve though if you do it correctly. You said you were playing in gym. Many gym teachers teach this sport incorrectly and say that you must serve with your fist. This is incorrect if your teacher has been telling you this. You serve with an open hand whether you serve overhand, underhand, or roundhouse. You just have more control.

    If you serve correctly, you will not have any problems. I serve about 400 times a week when running serve receive drills in practice and I have never had a jammed finger.

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