
Hurting someone....?

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Is it impossible to go through life without hurting someone? I don't mean physically more like emotionally/mentally.

Also do you think its possible to still be a good person even after you hurt someone?




  1. ...its possible but to avoid hurting someone would you hurt yourself first...

    ...after hurting someone, you could repent and ask forgiveness...making it possible to be a good person...

    ...good luck...

  2. I'd imagine it would be incredibly hard. Even if you were secluded from everyone in the world it;s possible your mother would be hurt from your abscence, or even if your abscence in turn somehow hurts someone.

  3. I Hurt many many people in my younger Years.

    Emotionally,never physically.

    At that time I was hurting very much too.

    I am in a better place in Life now,

    those that I hurt knew it was not the real me.

    For all my sins, I am not a bad person.

    I just took a few wrong paths in Life.

  4. NO! Sincerity is not enough because you might sincerely mistaken. You might unknowingly hurt someone when you don't mean to.

    Take for instance, if people love  you and you don't love them back, if they find out, he/she could be devastated emotionally, mentally and otherwise. In this case you were only following your heat and you didn't in anyway mean to hurt anybody.

    You definitely can still be a good person after hurting somebody. People change.

  5. Of course you will hurt and will be hurt.  You can learn and grow from experiencing hurt on both ends.  It is inevitable.  You can't run away from this stuff.  This is life.
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