My husband is 56 years old, I am 52. We have been together 4 years and married for a little over 1 year. If you could leave s*x out of the picture, my husband is a wonderful companion. I know he loves me and he shows it in all the ways he can with me. He and I enjoy each other's company, we laugh together, he helps with chores around the house, he helps with cooking, he is loyal, he treats me with the upmost respect. He is about 75 lbs over weight but I still love and desire him. I am about 40 lbs over weight and he says he loves me (which I believe him) and he also says he desires me (which I am not sure). I have been told that I look young for my age. I keep up with my appearance, I am always clean and neat with my body, smell good and try to be as attractive to my husband as possible. I am working on losing the weight also. From the beginning of our relationship my husband has never shown a high interest in s*x, although the little interest he has shown in the past is more than he shows now. He has trouble with maintaining an erections so him and I agreed for him to be seen by a doctor who put him on medication to help with this problem and it has. The trouble is, the few times we do have s*x is has been s*x without much foreplay, no true love making which has made me feel undesirable to him and unloved. The times he takes this pill I feel he does so only as an obligation to me, as if he does not truly want to have s*x. I do not understand and I have in the past talked to him about this, so he tries to act interested, but I am a woman and I know when a man is truly interested or not. I hate the feelings of rejection I feel from this to the point I no longer even bring it up to him seeing if he will initiate s*x on his own. It appears that as long as I do not complain about it he thinks no s*x is ok and is happy this way. I need answers from mature men and women who can help me sort this problem and advise on what I can do to improve this situation. Please no harsh jokes as this situation is serious to me. Answers from mature people only. Thank You!