
Husband Masturbates?

by  |  earlier

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I am working full time and he is unemployed.I don't know what he do all day but I ask him daily that did he m********e and he says yes. He masturbates daily. Not on the weekend because I am at home. We used to have s*x 5 times a week now it is once a week or every other week. He just sits at home plays video game or masturbates. In the beginning he was addicted to p**n but now he say he don't watch it and I trust him. He broke my promise on watching p**n a lot of times he doesn't watch it now. He has no interest in s*x. he rejected me a lot of times in pleasing. But whenever he asks to please me I please him. Even when I was sick or dead tired from work or in the middle of night. He told me I am every guys dream. I love having s*x with him. I am up for s*x all the time but now a days I feel so distant from him. I feel I am nothing. He masturbates daily. He never comes even when we have s*x(if I get lucky). I have to do with my hands in order for him to ejacu----- . We have been married for over a year. I still have guys at my work who hit on me all the time. But I love my husband a lot. He was my first s*x partner. I wasn't. Sometimes he tells me about his sexual experiences and relationship which hurts me. Please tell me what to do. I tried everything. I have s*x games and everything but my s*x life is going down. I also have needs why don't he understand that. I gives him b---j whenevr he wants but he rejects me when I want him to please. Please tell me what to do




  1. Leave him.  He sounds like a loser.  He won't even go get a job.   Lose him.

  2. Every guy masturbates, don't be paranoid, It doesn't sound like he's cheating on you. I think he's turned off because you ask him everyday, instead of asking him to do YOU. Force him, lol in noncreepy way. He'll enjoy it. Good luck.

  3. Hes bored and needs to get a job(maybe at the sperm bank lol)

  4. he does it too much

    he doesn't love you

    he should do it with you

    divorce him

  5. Every guy masturbates. You asking him every day is probably what's turning him off from you, frankly.

    The real issue here is that he doesn't work and you are. That's what you need to solve. He needs to get off his butt and help out or you are better off alone.
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