
Husband blacking out while vomiting?

by  |  earlier

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I am asking a question regarding my husband. He is 31. He has a problem with blacking out while vomiting. This began probably 10 years ago. He vomits and after the 2nd or 3rd heave he just blacks out for about 10 seconds. We have a "safety" system now to ensure his head doesn't fall into the toilet or that he doesn't fall over and hit his head, but he doesn't like to vomit if he is alone, which hasn't ever happened since we've been married because I am usually beside him, and he will wipe his vomit on me afterwards and hug me. Is there anything else I can do to make his experience better?




  1. Ummmm...ewwwwww. Why would you let him wipe his vomit ON you???   I am all for being there with you if he really needs you, but that is a bit much.

    Get him to a hospital and have some tests done if he really vomiting that much!!

  2. sweetheart find out why he is vomiting, it is not normal to vomit on a regular basis and certainly not to blackout while doing so. Get him to a doctor for a check up and if he is on medication its needs to be reviewed asap. I must stress to you that this is not a normal reaction to vomiting.

  3. OMG! First off, his blacking out is not his worse problem, his worse is that there is something seriously wrong with him if he vomits as much as you say he does. It sounds like the both of you have some serious issues...why don't the both of you make an appointment at your local mental health clinic.

  4. He is a pig he blacks out because is puking so hard.  If this guy is drinker let him puke by him self.  If he wants to wipe his his mouth on you  when he is done smack that SOB in the back of his head.  

    To make his experience better if he is drinking and than puking give him a cold cloth and tell him I"ll be watching tv

  5. take him to the doctors

  6. Why does he vomit, is it as a result of a medical situation or he drinks.

    If its medical then you should see the appropriate medical personnel.

  7. Wear silk, so when he brushes his mouth on you, it will be soft and smooth for him.  Nylon will create static which will just make him more miserable.

  8. Is his vomitting from drinking? If so the please tell him to stop.

  9. How to make this experience better? There's nothing that can make it better.  Vomiting is not fun no matter what you do.  He should see a doctor about the blacking out, what if he vomits when you're not at home? Sometimes it's hard for the brain to concentrate on two major things at the same time, as far as body functions go.  And vomiting takes such force, it controls your whole body, so he definitely needs to see a dr about it.  And if there's something he's doing that induces vomiting like drinking, then this is definitely the best reason to stop.

  10. if my husband wiped vomit on me i would ram his head down the toilet bowl

  11. Wow

  12. Get him either to a doctor or a rehab center. Gee, I hope you haven't reproduced yet. If not. Don't.

  13. There may be something wrong with his heart. Have him checked immediately.

  14. take the bottle of wiskey away from him b4 he gets to that state.

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