
Husband can't get his medical insurance card?

by  |  earlier

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My husband has been at his current job for about 5 months and the last two they've been taking medical insurance out of his paycheck, but we still don't have his medical insurance card. When he asks the boss about it, he just gets brushed off. He needs to go to the doc soon about some changes to his medication. What should we do?




  1. Call the insurance company and they should be able to look him up via social security number.  If he's enrolled they can mail him a card.  If he's not then he needs to ask the boss again and not accept being brushed off.  "I need to make an appointment and the insurance company says I'm not in their system.  That's a problem if I were to end up in a car accident and have to pay out of pocket," is what he needs to say.

    This shouldn't be taken lightly.  I had a client (a group) and she called me to drop this guy who had quit.  Then she called me months later inquiring why his medical bills weren't paid and I faxed her the form she signed dropping him.  She also didn't offer him COBRA.  So, he could have sued her if he wanted.  Point is businesses sometimes think about the current dollars, but don't take in account the risks.

  2. Definitely call the customer service dept of the insurance carrier his work uses. If he can't remember who it is, ask a co-worker. He can call cust service and give his SS#. They will want to verify his name and address, then they will send a new card. They will probably not tell him the ID number over the phone due to HIPPA regulation. Also, ask the website. He can probably set up an account online and print and ID card as long as he gets the group number from customer service.

  3. ~~If he has a Human Resource Department he can call them and they will take caer of it. If not he needs to get the insurance Co. phone number either from his boss or another employee and call.Then he can request a card from them, and they can give him all the necessary info so he can give it to the doctor for billing. I would be sure he has insurance since they are taking the premiums out, it sounds a little flaky for him not to have his card yet.~~

  4. He could always ask a coworker to see their card, write down the telephone number and group number, and see if he was added on.

    But he really needs to talk to the employer and not let it get brushed off.  Odds are, they have been slack about actually adding him.  He could say one day, gee, I'm so glad we've been added to insurance, wifey is really sick and needs some expensive testing, so please give me the group number.  And that should light a fire under the boss.

  5. I've gone through the similiar thing -- still a little bit painful,here is the resource help me out.

  6. Hello Wishful Spirit,

    I would recommend that he speak to a supervisor in the customer call center for his carrier.  He should request that a copy of his ID card be sent to him via priority mail, so that they can guarantee they've received it.  Have them verify the address, any suite or apt. numbers, as well as the zip codes to make sure something's not getting missed.

    Also, most insurance carriers have a phone number that the doctor's can call, and receive a faxed page that would have your husband's eligibilty information on it.  If he takes the number for the Provider's department off your card, the office should be able to call and get that information.  But you'll still definitely want to get a copy of that card so he can have it in his wallet.

    Good luck!

    Kathy K

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