
Husband cheating dream???

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Last night I had a VERY detailed dream that my husband confessed he has had s*x with some random girl He also confessed he did other things with his ex girlfriends and he was using dating websites. Why did I have a dream like that? It was completely out of the blue and so detailed and now I can't stop thinking about it. We've been married 3 years, have a beautiful son and another on the way so I don't know why I'd be having a dream like this. Thanks!




  1. We all have crazy dreams and maybe you are just a tad bit insecure that your husband may cheat give the man a little credit and with you having another son on the way i think the last thing on his mind is sleeping with another woman. you should look up dreams and what not when you get the chance i know personally if i want to have a weird or scary dream all i have to do is eat alot of sweets before i go to sleep so maybe something triggered it different things for different people so id let it go if you and your husband are on that level i would let him know about the dream i know my lady told me she had a dream about her ex and that was that i didnt trip it was just a dream  

  2. Unless you're a prophet or otherwise, never take dreams seriously.

    Give it a week.  If the issue still harasses your mind, then talk to him.  Let him reassure you that all is well.  

  3. It was just a dream nothing to worry about.

    Dreams mean nothing.

  4. everybody has a dream about your spouse cheating on you. everybody has that in there back of there mind

  5. It all depends what you want to hear some will tell you you perceive something bla, bla.

    The reality is that dreams represent your creative energy, and you’re directing your creative energy into different areas in your life.

    It doesn't mean that your husband is cheating on you, but you also seem to be concern about what he did in the past with his ex girlfriend, that shouldn't matter, it is the only area that I see you are insecure. Read books that will help you understand it and over come it.

  6. i think everyone has a dream like that

  7. Maybe your hormones. I wouldn't pay it any mind. Unless, in the real world he has given you reason to believe he is unfaithful. Real reasons, not the "I think" kinda thing. Rub your belly and rejoice your family, forget that dream. Oh, maybe you watched something on TV that made you dream that.  

  8. Don't worry too much.  It's your subconscious messing with you.  You're pregnant right?  Maybe somewhere in that mind is feeling a little insecure.  I have those dreams if we fight.  I woke up and kick him out of anger.  the poor guy.

  9. Well being pregnant I am sure you are feeling a bit insecure with your body (having two boys myself I know those pregnancy issues) and can play tricks on your mind, and keep in mind being pregnant you have some weird dreams to start, my suggestion, talk to your husband about it, have a good laugh and then it is out in the open and not bottled up in your head anymore! Good luck with your husband, child, and baby on the way!

  10. ha.. I've heard these are common with pregnancy.. I think my wife had a similar dream, but someone we knew... tell him about it and laugh..  

  11. If I paid any attention to all of my dreams I`d be either dead or crazy by now.  A dream is just a dream and nothing else.  Chill girl, and enjoy your pregnancy.  Congratulations, by the way.  

  12. alot of people have dreams like that  

  13. dream is just dream, so forget it

  14. Dreams are the manifestations of our thoughts and mainly of our fears, and in all actuallity are the brains way of digesting the days events, storing the important bits of info and flushing the useless stuff away. Alot of people try to interpret and foresee the future with dreams but the plain jane science of it is dreams are the random visions in our minds of stuff we think, fear, dread and have phobias about. If you are pregnant you probably have some fears that you may not be as attractive to your husband as you were before due to the baby coming and that manifested itself into a common fear based dream. It's common from woman I've talked with, so don't let it bring you down. Truth be known you are probably more beautiful to him then you have ever been because you are carrying his child. Don't let it worry you, Dear, you are blessed.

  15. I think your dream has a lot to do with insecurity. Being that you are pregnant, do you think perhaps you feel undesirable by your husband? I doubt there is anything real to worry about; dreams like this are often the impact of hormones and insecurity. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

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