My husband recently told me that he wasn't sure if he loved our children or not. I was shock to hear him say such a thing and didn't know how to respond to that. Is it a phase that some dads actually go through or is it just him?
He also said becuase he didn't have a father to love him, he doesn't know how the "children love" feeling suppose to feel like. Is he trying to pull some c**p on me, or is this really real?
He says he can't stand their crying or the fact that they can't understand (23 months old and 6 months old) and he just wants to hurt them to shut them up everytime they open their mouth. To me, it sounds like he really don't want to try to be a good dad and he really doesn't love our children. He's not willing to change and adapt into being a parent, because he says that that would mean our children won and he lost.