I just had a baby 6 weeks ago. My husband and I have been together for 10 years. We've had great s*x, and intimacy until now. Seems like he's just not interested in me the way he use to be. I would think that after having his baby and going through all the pain I went through it would make him appreciate me, and be turned on by the fact that we made a baby together but it doesn't seem that way. It could just be me over thinking things cause I just had a baby 6 weeks ago and I'm feeling a little insecure with my body. I have lost pretty much all my baby weight. I was 133lbs when I was pregnant, and now I'm 109. So I'm not fat or anything. Just seems like he's turned off by me or just not as attracted to me like he was before I had the baby. Anyone feel like this or had this happen to them in a relationship before?