
Husband going to drug rehab monday..what to tell kids?

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This is all very new to me! I just found out about my husbands drug issue on Wednesday. Anyway, long story short, he's heading to rehab for 6 weeks on Monday.

We have a 4 and 5 year old that currently have no idea whats going on. What do we tell them?

Help please!




  1. Hurray!  Hopefully your husband will find the help he needs.  I applaud him for taking this vital step.  Coming to grips with the reality that your loved one is a drug addict smacks you right in the face.  It can be very traumatic and can put you in a state of denial.  However, the children can be told that daddy is going to off ot receive some treatment.  Little children don't need to know everything, but they do need to know that where he is going will help make him better and he will be gone for a period of time.  What matters most is that they want to know that he will return.  Let them know it will be a few weeks, but that they can keep in contact with daddy on the phone.  Have them promise daddy that they will be good and take care of the house and you.  Children like to be included in family matters.  As long as you keep the love flowing, everything will be alright.  ---- Toni D.  

  2. he's ill and needs to go there to get better.

  3. I was gonna say tell the truth until I saw their ages. Probably not a good idea to make their own father into a "bad guy" at that age, when he's likely their only male role model. I like the first answer, say he's ill and needs to get better for a little while.  

  4. tell them that their daddy ate something bad and he will travel so he can get rid from it :)

  5. If it were me, i have a 3 and 5 year old,  I would tell them that Daddy has to go away for a little bit to sort some things out but that dad will miss them very much,  i think they are way too young to be informing them about drugs etc,, and while he is gone,just reassure them that daddy is coming back and he'll be a new dad when he does!

  6. Probably tell the exactly what is going on. Use it as a lesson about not doing drugs.  

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