
Husband havin Lunch or more?

by  |  earlier

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What would you think if you asked your husband who he had lunch with and he answered "a guy from work", but you know for a fact he invited a girl from work to lunch that day? I have the email!!!




  1. I work in a predominately male environment. I hate to eat alone. I'm not after a boyfriend or a new husband, just some lunch company. My now husband is ok with it. My ex would have exploded if He knew I was eating lunch with one of the guys. So I never told him.

  2. You must have had some feelings that something was up to check his e mail.  He must not know you have the ability to get into his account.  You don't really know what is going on, but the lie in itself is bad and obviously he was doing something he didn't want you to know about or he wouldn't have lied.

    So-here is what I'd do -.if he goes with her again-and you know where-wait a few minutes and watch and see what's up-then go from there...

  3. I would have thought that I must had been a jealous ***** for him to lie about such a simple thing as a lunch with a co-worker.

  4. Ask him why he lied?

    How do you have the email?  Did you snoop around to figure this out?  If he's lying to you about something like this, I'd be worried.  

    Tell him to be honest or leave.  

  5. I would definitely think he has something to hide..

    if you have the evidence to prove that he went to lunch with a girl then you should definately confront him about it.

    ask him why he lied about it, and explain to him how you feel about him lying to you and that lying brings on a lack of trust....

  6. I would think that it's a sweet little lie meant to keep from hurting me unnecessarily.  Not sure how you came to have a copy of the email, but I am guessing you are snooping.  If you suspect something, come out and ask him.  You can't expect him to have enough respect for you to be honest if you aren't being honest yourself and sneaking around.  Communication is too important to ignore.  If he is having an affair, wouldn't you rather just deal with it and move on??  Just a thought.

  7. I wouldn't jump to any conclusions yet.  Are you a jealous person by nature?  If so, he may have lied and told you it was a guy because he was afraid you would have a negative reaction to him having lunch with another woman.  

    The only way to know for sure is to confront him about it and tell him you know it was a girl.

  8. I would be very upset and confront him.  Don't let it go

  9. I haven't understood why some wives set their husbands up to fail.  You already knew the answer, so why ask it?  Women can sit around and talk about the most intimate personal matters of their hearts.  Men don't do this.  Maybe he needed a woman to talk to that wasn't you, and didn't want to tell you this.  Maybe he needed his privacy to do this and maybe this woman gave him advice that would have improved your marriage.  The fact that you are checking his email behind his back says more about your character than his.  Men need "girl" friends.  At least one.  My husband has two, and I'm thankful that he does, I know them, but rarely talk to them.  You would want to have your guy friends right?  Give him his space, I'm sure you value the space he gives you.  Be very careful with accusations, and for pete's sake, stop reading his email!!!

  10. Confront him and ask him to tell you the truth if he doesnt show him the proof!

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