
Husband is in basic at fort benning?

by  |  earlier

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and he wrote me that he was doing pt friday and as he was finishing he passed out and woke up in the hospital..they had him in there for 3 days..he said that the doctor said ..when he was getting is shot that they gave him 3 of the same shot some how ..which effected hes liver and gallbladder ....well they had him on iv's and he seems to be doing alot better he out of the hospital for a few days ..but he has to go to the doctor every 3 days till he is completely better ...but they are sending him back to the 30th AG ..does he have to start all over again? of what does that mean went he gets sent back there after he was in the hospital due to the army's mess ups?




  1. Well depends on how far in he was, but most likely he will start over.  

  2. 3 or the same shot seems really absurd.  they have a very good system there at 30th AG.  They've been doing this for a very long time.  Your bf just might have been in good enough shape to make it through pt.  he needs to start over

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