
Husband left for Vegas! Is it trouble?

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Hi I'm al little lonely now and I'm thinking about the facts, he didn't have to go to this convention, but he wanted to join his lawyer friends. should I be mad? I totally trust and respect him. His a wonderful husband, were going in two weeks together. Should I give him a hard to for it. He didn't really ask me more like told me he would be going. I'm a little bugged should I be.




  1. If you totally trust him you shouldn't be bugged about it. But I know what you mean. I sometimes feel that way too. I think it's only natural.

  2. Gawd, It's for his work, it's perfectly legit.  He doesn't need to ask permission from you to do things involving his work.  

  3. No if you trust and respect him then not at all, but i would be up set if my husband didn't tell me ahead of time. So maybe when you talk to him to night be like honey i miss you, gah i wish you would of told me you were planing a trip to vegas i would of done something special for you and if he ask what let it be a mystery in tell he gets home it will keep something on his mind and he will think of you more often =]

  4. NO reason to get yourself excited or is there , lets see when he told you 1 that was a good thing 2 when you did not scream and act immature that was good 3 if you ever need to do anything in life that requires you to go it alone, you can 4 he will come home to you  5 there is no better way than being alone too feel alive 6  veges is all for show it does not make the man 7 you have time to prepare for another question I like myth and folklore in the culture section it is fun so laugh and be happy for tomorrow always comes the answers FOLLOW!

  5. No worries ! I would be completely bugged & a wreck but i'm sure he's being the responsible husband you love. send him a flirty text making him wish he never went !

  6. He going to pay for a BJ

  7. Nah,...

    Don't worry.

    He just wants to go nuts with his buddies for a few days.

    He's probably thinking about you RIGHT THIS MINUTE.

  8. If you are feeling uneasy about his trip it is for a reason.  Call your husband and let him know that you are feeling uneasy about the trip.  Let him know that you miss him, and you don't like being away from him when he is attending pleasure trips.  The only way to get what you want is to ask for it.  If it creates a riff that's fine  It is more important to be yourself and protect your heart and your marriage.  Stay strong.

  9. you should trust him hes your husband!!!!

  10. Yeah you should be bugged . But if hes a great a husband as you said you dont have to worry about it. Make him make it up to you thats about it.

  11. If you two trust one another, it shouldn't be any problem at all. Marriages come to tests like these. They break or soar in these sorts of times.  

  12. no you should not be bothered by this at all.  spending time in Vegas with the guys is awesome.  why would you deny him that if you trust him?  just because you love each other doesn't mean you have to be around each other every single day. sometimes guys just need to hang out with the guys.

  13. u shood talk to him about it and tell him how u feel

  14. If you totally respect and trust this wonderful husband of yours, why be mad?

  15. Live  &   let  Live .You trust  and  respect  HIM   right ? and  HE  is a  wonderful  husband.  Did  HE  Really need  your permission ?  You Should NOT  be  BUGGED  and your  also going in a few  weeks... SOOO   Give HIM a HUG when HE gets back,  lol

  16. Smh , all you can do right now is just wait there all alone and hope for the best lol .

  17. You have all the credit/bank cards right?

    Gambling is going to happen but you need to be smart about it.

    He's definitely going to buy a hooker so make sure he doesn't have much cash on him. Since he's a lawyer, he knows not to leave a paper trail. So you gotta do him right when he gets back to see if you get any diseases =p

    I miss Vegas ^.^

  18. If you "totally trust and respect him", then why are you questioning it?  

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