
Husband may have cheated??

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OK long story short i got my cards read about 18 months ago and its all came true. I moved home, my baby is healthy, and ive caught my husband talking to another woman( lying to her about me, saying i left him and i took the baby) So I got my cards read agian, and this time it says that my husband had a physical relationship with someone, she got prego and ethier aborted or miscaried. I know hes not going to tell me the truth, but its going to eat me away. And i know why did i stay with him after the first time? Its hard when you have a new born and i thought i could work through it




  1. Hey...don't get your cards read. If God wants you to find will. Stay cool for now. If you want to mention it to your time...try to bring it up during a movie where someone cheats...and you would's sooo sad. I am so glad I have a wonderful husband that loves me so much (hug him)..--He WILL feel guilty. x0

  2. Maybe you should leave him and take the baby. If he is sleeping with someone he is in the military with then that's just wrong and if she aborted the baby that he was dumb enough to even make possible than that's wrong in my opinion too. I would just sit him down and say Look. You are giving me reasons to believe that you have been cheating on me, I got my cards read and it only confirms my suspicions that you have been. I want to know everything. And I want the truth or I'm leaving. I think cheating is so low. I have told my man repetitively that if he ever cheated on me i would tear him a new one and we would be over, no questions asked. I won't tolerate it and I would never do it.  

  3. Typical!  The same thing happened to my sister years ago.  He meet someone while on tour of duty, and she transferred everywhere he went.  People actually thought she was his wife, instead of my sister.  He kept talking my sister out of traveling with him.  When my sister finally found the evidence (by accident) the whole story came out.  Even his superior officers thought this woman was his wife, because she was in a different division of the armed forces.  She had attended all functions with him, and was living with him.

    By the time my sister found out, her child was about 2 years old.  She was living in the town of his home base, with no family.  She filed for a divorce and child support.  The Navy enforced his child support payments, but he never even bothered to see his child again.  She went to college and is a school teacher, and got married about 18 months ago at the age of 23.  This man now has a grandchild he will never know!!

  4. leave him no man is worth it if he doing that. think of the baby he obviously doesn't about you or his child if he leaving and cheating

  5. I had my cards read once too...  when I got home I consorted with my magic 8 ball and it told me "ask again later"

  6. It doesn't sound good.Why do women put up with it.? He lies,cheats.How can you live with someone like that?No matter how young your children are .If you stay,you gonna be fighting infront of your children,make their life miserable in the future.You are better that that.

  7. I don't know about Cards and what not, but i am going to tell you something real ok, and it might hurt your feelings, but i am going to be brutally honest.  I am deployed to Iraq right now, this is my second tour.  On my first tour and this tour married men and women have s*x with others all the time.  Being that they have been married 20 years or 2, its like a free for all fck fest over here at times.  But in his defense, lots of married folks don't cheat, it all depends on the person and the situations they allow themselves to be in.  There are lots of places to have s*x without anyone knowing.  If your husband has already lied, i can see why you would assume he is still lying.  Out here, married folks are single and it takes a strong person to avoid situations and s***s of both sexes that don't respect your marriage.  You get lonely over here too, which can lead to infidelity.  I am so sorry dear.  I hope your husband is behaving himself, but i had to tell you.

  8. Tarot cards are usually right somehow.  Know that some of your destiny, you are in charge of.  If you rely on the cards, be prepared for the truth.  Moving on is tough. However, you have already been informed of some events that have come true.  I doubt if he admits any of it.  The rule for men is to deny,deny, deny.  And, if you tell him what you know and your resource, he may think you have lost your marbles.  He may never change, because they seldom do.  Good luck.

  9. I can't believe you are relying on a charlatan to determine your marriage.  

  10. he probably cheated, if the cards say so..

    im sorry, but hes going to lie if he already did once.

    just get rid of him. i know that bad to say, but once a liar, always a liar.

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