
Husband might face 20 years from false accusations?

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I am also going to contact a lawyer but since it is 3:30 I thought I can hear your advice and experience as well while I wait.

My four year old son went to his father's and claimed that he was strangled by my husband today. I know this didn't happen because we were at a pork roast all day, and were outside the whole time.

The police stopped by and arrested my husband with a $500,000 bond, and also claimed there was a report made July 16th with photos accusing that my husband burned my son on the back with a cigarette. I don't know how that report was made, because the police never contacted us about this before AND my son was with his father on vacation during that time.

The secretary also told me that I voluntarily released custody of my son a month ago, but that never happened.

My son came to me from his father's a few months back and showed me a large burn mark on his belly. When I asked him what happened, he said his uncle (who is thirteen years old) was angry and burned him with a lamp. I confronted them about this and they said it was just an accident, and he wasn't burned on purpose. I never called the police or anything.

If I can't prove my husband innocent, he will be jailed for 15 to 20 years. I don't know what to do.

Also, I was told that if I try to defend him, I will also face charges and never see my son again.




  1. "I was told that if I try to defend him, I will also face charges and never see my son again."

    ? This is just a tad unusual.

    The thing is, they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did these things first. They have to prove this. You do not have to prove he did not. THEY have to prove he did.

    Make them do it.

    If they prove it, maybe you opinion of your husband requires rethinking.

  2. at least no one is diddle-ing anyone else...burns heal, buttholes don't.

  3. 1. If your child was burned on his back (or anywhere else) with a cigarette, then there WILL be a scar, even if only a faint one. No small round scar = no cigarette burn.

    2. A pork roast normally consists of a group of people. They can testify that they did NOT see your husband 'strangle' your son at the time he is accused of doing it.

    3. Do NOT confer with anyone about this except your attorney. Do NOT speak with police, other attorneys, the child, friends, etc. Speak only to your husband and your attorney. Silence is golden.

    4. Make a time line of all the fights that have taken place between you, your ex, and his family. It may show a pattern of behavior that you are NOT seeing because you have never looked for it.

    Good luck to you.

  4. Well my dear women, u have to look at a few things here. U were told if u try to defend you husband U will face charges, who has told you this? If i was you i would seek legal counsul as soon as possbile. DO not talk to any one but the legal person. Police are not allow to threathen people unless they are paid or enticed by some other party, if that is so then they need to dragged and be investergated.... If i was U, when u talk to any one concerning this case have a small tape recorder or video set up to get all that is said by these people.... Also were is the paper legal paper work saying u agve up custody to your SON...... Unless it goes thru court and u did then fight them....... Dont listen to them or what si being said, it sounds like a set up... If they have photos of ur man doing this a lawyer would be able to get hold of them. If they dont then once again it is all shite....

  5. Hmmm im sorry to hear this but it all sounds kind of dodgy to me, if my nephew ( if i had one ) got burned, i would of told the mum the same day.

    I may be wrong, but something does sound dodgy along the lines.

  6. Who is bringing the charges here?  That could be important if they're grinding an axe.

    Strange that you didn't notice a burn on the son's back last month.  Do you have any pictures showing his back from that time period?

    I can't imagine any police telling you that you can't defend your husband.  That sounds just wrong.

    And I don't see where it's your responsibility to prove your husband didn't do anything.  The State has the responsibility to prove that he did it.  He has the responsibility to prove he didn't.

    Something just isn't adding up here.

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