
Husband moves back in apartment?

by  |  earlier

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my husband and I are reconciling and hes moving back in.

And I have a lover at the same place But my lover doesn't want to commit he has a commitment phobia


You think my lover is going to like it when my husband moves back in? Its to expensive to live on 1 salary and pay rent and bills for me




  1. Any bets on how long this is going to takers? Better get a better paying job!

  2. who treats u with kindness and caring is who u will choose

  3. It shouldn't matter, right?  Since you and your husband have decided to reconcile - which means you're getting back together and he's moving back home.  Also, this "lover" doesn't want a commitment anyway, so either way it shouldn't make any difference.  I'm sure if you were planning on keeping this lover, you wouldn't get getting back with your husband, would you?  Or are you just doing it for the 2nd income?

  4. Now, i don't think this is reconciling, it seems to me that you only consider reconciling with your husband was because your lover won't commit or is a commitment-phobic. Now let us assume he wasn't, i don't think you would consider your husband. To me and my opinion, that's not love, its second choice. It's sad for your husband, if you truly love him. Give him the chance to find someone that will consider him first choice. Sounds terrible and horrible for him, i am sorry. Miss, you need to reevaluate things in your life and consider others because the Narcissus in you eats you up.

  5. So you want to keep your lover AND keep your husband around to pay bills? Keep up this pattern and they will both leave you and you'll deserve it.

  6. So who are you dumping and who is staying? You can't have your cake and eat it too. You will have fist fights in your living room and you will deserve a bonk on your head too.

  7. Wait, you are 1. cheating on your husband, 2. have an open marriage.

    Obviously since your husband is moving in, you want to get back together. Break it off with your lover. You married your husband for better or for worse.  

  8. You cannot have 2 lovers ( 1 husband and 1 lover ) under the same roof. That is a recipe for disaster.

    Get a better paying job so that you don't have to be that cheap.

    You are allowing your husband to come back because obviously you still love him. So, give it an honest try.

    Also, your boyfriend does not believe in making commitments anyway. So, why are you wasting your time for him ?

  9. Well if your husbands lover is moving in too your lover should have no problem with it!~

    I totally agree with 1st poster.......

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