
Husband needs to get re-examined for ADHD? No insurance...?

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Hi, after dating my husband for 3 years and suspecting that he had ADD or ADHD he finally let me know that he had it as a child and was on Ritalin. (I would bring up this issue and he would never look into it) Anyway, now we're married and we need help. I love him and want to see improvement. He's had over 6 jobs in the last 2 years, (fired from all of them), he's very sloppy, not very dependable, and makes offensive comments to me (which hurts my feelings), he also is very immature or "silly" at the wrong time. He always wants to take naps. He says he's just tired but to me it's all the time. People don't understand him and I feel their disapprovement. I admit that sometimes it's very embarrassing. It's hard to know how he'll react to things people say. He is very nice and forgiving, we're believers in Christ and this is the main area he excels in. He loves to study his bible and accurately explain the word of God. He may even become a pastor one day.

In the mean time, we need to get help. I work part time and he works in retail now. We don't have any benefits. Is there anyway we can go to get a good evaluation?

If you have experienced this I would love some encouragement. This is very hard to go through and most of the time I feel unappreciated by him. We have talked about this so many times and agrees to get help. We just don't know where to start.

Thank You!




  1. Let me start out saying all states have a Mental Health Director that can steer you in the right direction. Most all larger cities have mental health agencies that are on a sliding scale. You may have to wait for a while to see a doctor but it bets not seeing anyone. Like in the St Louis area there are about 5-6 agencies that do GOOD evaluations on a sliding scale. My suggestion is get out the phone book and look up your states Mental Health Department and as for the director and explain your situation...Beware it does take a while but beats nothing. Good Luck

  2. I'm currently 20 years old. I was diagnosed with ADHD just a few months. I'm on adderall right now, before that, I was a mess. I failed most of my classes in school. I couldn't keep friends, I was always mean, silly, annoying, all the time and I couldn't stop. I can relate to your husbands behavior. I don't have medical insurance so I pay everything out of my pocket. I've tried to apply for medical welfare or similar things and I did not qualify. Wal-mart has the cheapest prices on generic drugs (I get my meds at walmart for $65 compared to giant for $95). I honestly don't know what else to tell you, but if your last option is to pay out of pocket, get them at walmart.

  3. There is assurant health insurance. It is about $180.00/mo for individuals, and over $200+ for entire families. You just pay the premiums and get health insurance through them.

  4. Try getting it though a local clinic by doing an intake there. Or try to get it through Welfare.

  5. Contact your county/local mental health agency, and find out what help they can offer. Psychological counselling, with a sliding scale, based on income, is available through many religious organisations, such as Catholic counselling, the Methodist church, and the Unitarian Universalists. You don't have to be a member.

    ADD/ADHD is addressed in sections 22 - 25, at Take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or grapefruit, or their FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it. Also take a vitamin B complex which is certified as being 100% of natural origin.

    Drink 2 - 4 cups of green tea, daily: preferably honey/lemon ginseng, from Celestial Seasonings: supermarket tea, or health food aisles. As with all herbal/green teas, use lemon/lime, and/or a little sweetener (NOT ARTIFICIAL!!!) but no cream, or milk. Exercise daily.

    Xylitol is preferable, (health food stores) or fruit sugar (fructose, such as "Fruisana", from supermarket sugar aisles) or even a little honey, because these will reduce "sugar spikes", which later deplete you of energy. Ginseng reputedly boost energy levels. Ginseng: Panax Ginseng (Chinese/Korean/Japanese), panax quinquefolius (American) Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian)). It is also known as man root, life root and heal all.  Have a high protein breakfast of fish, or scrambled eggs and possibly bacon (these provide a lasting energy boost: no carbohydrates for 2 hrs, or extremely little. Eat in accordance with your "nutritional type":- enter that term in the searchbar at

    Minimise/eliminate consumption of highly processed foods, particularly grain products, such as white bread, donuts, cake, cookies/biscuits, or anything with sugar. Opt for more wholefoods, non-starchy vegetables (especially broccoli, and spinach, with lemon, or vinegar), and fruit. Have a medical checkup, (thyroid function, adrenals, etc.) including blood tests, for low iron levels. Many people in Western countries are lacking in minerals, such as zinc, magnesium, and calcium, so it is a good idea to have those levels checked as well.

  6. I haven't been through what you are going through, so I can't begin to understand what you are feeling.  Perhaps some of the information below will be useful, however.

    Many clinics offer help on a sliding scale basis based on your income.  You could check around your area and find out if there is one there that does so.  

    Normally, I would recommend the SAMHSA site to find local outpatient clinics in the area, but I know tonight it is not functioning properly.  You can try it another day it is at:  simply click on your state and then on the next page (which is what is not working today) click on Mental Health Facilities Locator -- and it will come up by city.

    There is another website that brings up Health and Human Services locations for those without any insurance.  These locations offer medical and mental health care.  The website is at:

    I wish you and your husband the best.

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