My husband and I recently moved to a new city so he could possibly make money as he is self employed most of the time. Her said it would be better here. Now that he is here he can't find a self employment idea or a business willing to hire him to work from home. I work full time outside the home. He stays home and watches the baby all day and had become depressed, although he will say he is not....Recently he stated that it is the marriage that he is not happy with as well and wants to move back home with his parent and not even get a place here so that he can be near our daughter. I may be pregnant again and am so distressed. I am soon to be in school working on my masters and my mom moved down. I don't know what to do. I can understand him not wanting to b married, but not wanting to support himself confuses me. What will I do. Now that my mom is here, I am sure there is pressure on him to do something. I have been the consistent income, although he has made good income in the past sporadically. He has not cheated, but stays in the room all day when not keeping my daughter. Help what should I do , I have tried counciling and he refuses, ive also tried writing him a note. He definately doent want more kids. OMG I'm in my 30's as is he advice please. Any single moms or anyone been through this. Or anyone have advice...