
Husband sentenced to 42 months?

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My husband was sentenced to 42 months on friday. We were told he will be going to Shelton, Wa and Monroe, WA medium-low security and my question is how long will he actully serve? We were also told he would qualify for work camp or something like that.. What's work camp?




  1. Some of these people are jerks. Don't they realize that this affects you and your family not just him. He may have to do all the time. I hope not. Work camps are usually on the prison campus, he won't be allowed to stay at home. My husband recently served 30 months for something he didn't even do. The justice system is so unfair at times. Good Luck and good luck to him as well. May God bless you and keep you safe.

  2. I agree w/ AlexG... and what does the security level have to do w/ it?  I know he's ur hubby, but do u want other "criminals" getting out early?  Not good.

  3. let's all hope he serves the full 42 months..   I don;t like criminals getting out early to commit another felony.

    Hey Jasmine I am not a jerk!!!  And guess what I have never been in prison for something i didnt do because I never put my self in a situation that will have the cops looking to put me in prison....

    If you are found guilty you are a criminal..  I don't care if you are a husband a father a wife, a mother a son or a daughter...  don't commit a crime!  

    I'm not the jerk because I am not the criminal...

  4. let's all hope he uses this time to learn right from wrong.  i have

    no idea from the information you gave just what his prospects

    are, but in general if he straightens up and does his best to

    learn his lesson he will have a better chance of getting out sooner.

    it will also depend on his past history, so given the little you

    provided there is no way to know.

  5. Let's all hope he serves the full 42 months.. I don't like criminals getting out early to commit another felony.

    Hoping his paperwork gets fudged and he gets stuck in there for a good long while.

  6. Well Hunny i don't know but people that commit felony's are idiots hopefully he serves all the time he deserves  

  7. I am sorry to hear about your husband going to prison.  Although he clearly is going to prison for a reason, the separation hurts.

    Actually how much time your husband will serve depends a lot on whether he is participating in various programs or not and how he behaves.

    In a worse case scenario, your husband could earn no early release credits for violating prison rules etc.  On a best case scenario, your husband could earn 10 good days off for every month he serves in prison.  So, if he serves 42 months, he could earn a total of 420 good days, and be out of prison after serving about 31 months, assuming he gets into the program quickly and does not get into trouble.

    click on "earned release time"

  8. i would hate to be in your shoes! no we don't know what he did,therefor  no one can tell how long he might serve or what his chances of getting out early will/might be.alot of it will depend on what he did,and his behavior while he is there

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