
Husband won't divorce me, he cheated.?

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I found out via my husband's My Space yesterday morning that he has been hanging out with a 250 lb old female buddy from high school. She has always had a thing for him but he said she wasn't his type. She said on there "I'm so happy we are chillin again. You make me laugh. :-)" And on one of his photos he says he is attracting "obese" women and she says "Are you calling me obese? haha jk". Anyway.. his family whom he lives with swear she is just a friend and that its not cheating, but to me it is... and I want a divorce.. pronto. I am having trouble getting him to respond because I want to file this coming Tuesday and need his half of the fees. He will not respond, and I dont have very much money for this and I'm not the one who's seeing obese women like he is. His mom said he told her a few days ago he doesn't want a divorce (but he wants to see fat girls). How can I get this show on the road? Does he really want one? Did he really cheat? He said he didnt sleep with her just "hung out".. But I dont really care. Thats adultery to me.




  1. Contact a divorce attorney.

    The leading cause of divorce is that the wrong people married each other. You know that if he came back and pleaded with you that you wouldn't take him back. It's over. Get out of there, no matter what it costs.

  2. I dont get any of this. HE lives with his family and hes married to you? You want a divorce and you are waiting for him to send you the money to get one? Are you both high?

  3. I am confused ? If you are married, why you are not living with him ? I would hope that you talk to him face to face to get him to respond.  

  4. My question, if your married why are you not living together?  I would consider this emotional cheating on his part. I think that you have every right to be suspicious of him.  Best of luck!!

  5. if u want the divorce u will have to be the one who pays for it, as it doesn't seem that he wants it.i doubt if he cheated, but hanging out with someone other than your wife means your thinking about it.

  6. You don't need him to respond in order to file.

    Go to a lawyer if thats what you want.  Sounds like its more than this girl thats pushing you and she is just a side issue.

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