Today I decided to go out and buy an ovulation kit, because my cycle varies in length from month to month. My husband and I started trying last month and this will be our second month trying, he is well aware of the fact that we are "trying" and he is really wanting a little one. Today he came home from work and he saw my ovulation kit..and said "i've never seen any other woman do that stuff" It was like he was weirded out by it or something or mad that I was using something to help us get pregnant. It made me feel incredibly uncomfortable and upset..I'm really ready for a baby and I know he is too, I just don't understand why he wouldn't want to use something like an OPK if it gave us a better chance of getting pregnant. Do any of your husbands get mad because you go to extreme lengths to get pregnant..I don't think taking an OPK test is an extreme length but thats how he is making it seem. Any advice would be helpful thanks