
Husbands what is the limit?

by Guest64953  |  earlier

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how much skin would you allow your wife to show when going out.. are there different rules for when you are with her than when she is alone? my hub used to freak about everything because of the cleavage i have it turtle necks?




  1. My husband never says anything about it when we are together.....BUT heaven forbid I leave the house without him and look good.  

    d**n insecure husbands!

  2. He respects my decisions in fashion and in life. I have enough fashion sense and class that I will not wear anything too s**y to church or wear anything to conservative if we are going out. I can wear whatever I want and so can he.  

  3. I can show cleavage when he is with me (he prefers I do really, I don't care about showing or not showing it), but he prefers more conservative shirts when I go out with friends. Which is fine with me.

  4. Hubby and I recently had a serious discussion about this very topic. I was getting ready to go out (by myself) and he asked why I was dressing like his mother! Excuse me? I was curious what he wanted me to wear and offered to let him pick out my outfit. He pulled out my shortest miniskirt, and a barely there top. Pointing out that I was going out alone, I asked if he was serious. He said he was and so I dressed to go out. Adding to my ensemble a pair of platform stilettos, I honestly looked like a streetwalker. Figuring he wouldn't really let me out the door, I told him I was ready to go and asked if I looked ok. He said I looked great and that when I got home, he would be ready and waiting. I left, intent on staying out all night.

    Then I got to thinking about my man at home, waiting for me. Needless to say, I came home early and we ended up having some private, kids are asleep fun.

    Now, I let him choose what I wear and when the kids are asleep, he gives me a "booty call".

  5. well strech marks have done their number on my . from b***s to tights so you go figure . no short , not too much cleavage . i dont wat everbody looking for directions on my skin . but anyway before that hubby didnt care as long as we were together and it wasnt to disrespectful. now he doesnt even talk .  

  6. Honestly, real husbands that adore, diesire and respect thier wives need thier wives to listen to them on this subject. If you love and "respect" him the limit is set by him, not you. That will save confrontation and show him that you have respect for him.  

  7. if he can't let you wear what you want either when your together or not then he is insecure and doesn't trust one should tell you what you can and can not do or can't help your cleavage. your an adult.

  8. When you with him you can show more, but when your not respect his wishes.  Advertising is like fishing, why do it unless your trying to catch something

  9. help make the world a more beautiful place.  Put it out there for the rest of us to see.  We'll let you know when you have crossed the line.  We men are not known for being very sly about it.  I personally love it when my woman looks great, it makes me look great.  Of course, I also don't want her to go out late at night by herself looking like a street walker either.  Remember: time & place, sometimes less is more.

  10. My question to you would be: Why do you need to show skin? What purpose does it serve? Do you want people to notice you? if so why would you want other men to notice you? When I see a female showing too much skin I see a sign on her. What do you think that sign says? It sure doesn't say " I am married, stay away from me."

  11. I say If you got it, flaunt it.  If my woman has the goods, I want her to show em off and be proud.  If you got the cleave, then show it.  If you got the legs then show em.  And if you got the ***, then you better squeeze into the tightest pair of jeans you can find.

    I like it because I get to be next to it all night and enjoy the view.  A real man is secure enough with his woman for it to not matter if other guys look.

  12. ask him what the limit is and you are your own person do what makes you happy as long as you are not being disrespectful  

  13. She wears what she wants, I don't have a problem with it because I know at the end of the day she'll be coming home with me. I must say that it is sometimes fun to say in my head to those around, "haha you can't touch this. she's all mine"

  14. My husband doesn't like scantily clad women, he'll look briefly but it kind of turns him off. He doesn't mind if I dress that way in the bedroom but out in public I usually look like a lady, sometimes I'll wear a little halter top if I'm going to a movie or beach or something but very rarely.

  15. A man's perspective. Wear what you want. Wear what makes you feel good about yourself and what makes you feel s**y. Bottom line is that at the end of the night you are going home to / or with your husband. So...let everyone else wish they were with you....the s**y well dressed lady, but your husband will know it is him you will dazzle later. Have fun with it....

  16. my SO is particular as well...but I figure who cares...if he wants me to dress more be it...I am interested in him after all and not someone else

  17. its husband's nature, some guys will not think about his life partner feelings..... you can change him with your love  

    love makes everything possible.........

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