
Husky won't go to the bathroom anywhere but the backyard?

by  |  earlier

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It's getting annoying. When we adopted her, she was trained on puppy pads. We weaned her off of those and now she goes to the bathroom in the backyard (she has all day access through a dog door and holds it at night). But when we take her to the cabin, or to a relatives house, she won't go outside- she poops on rugs. We tried the puppy pads again, but she didn't get it. Our relatives are upset with her (and us!) because of this. She won't go on walks, although thats not a big deal. And I'm NOT about to tie her out when we go somewhere- the places where she goes have coyotes, wolves and bears. Please help me!!!

Thank you!!!




  1. I used to have this problem with my chihuahua ... sometimes in a new place they don't know where to "go". I would just do like a timer system -- after she's eaten or drank a lot, take her out and then if she doesn't go (stay outside for 5-10 minutes), bring her back inside and continue to take her out ever 15-20 minutes until she does. Sometimes new environments can be overwhelming. You could crate her during those waiting times to ensure that she doesn't have an accident.

  2. That is one interesting situation you got going.... It makes me wonder if she used to be walked go potty but immediately taken back inside so she learned if she goes potty she doesn't get her walk....hmmmmm... Well, perhaps I'd start by taking her outside instead of letting her go herself so you can have the opportunity to praise her good behavior and she learns the "go pee" or "go poopy" command (even treats - instant ones like Bil Jac Liver) followed so she can learn the command first.  Then once you think she is going on cue in the backyard - I'd take her for a walk first thing in the morning when she REEEEEAAALLY has to go and then try the command.  I think you need to be patient with her - when a dog gets it they got it, they are soooo smart.  Keep in mind if you get her to start going potty on the walks they need to be continued past the potty stage.  Also, when you go visit friends the exercise pens are great so you can keep your dog contained, this way you don't have to worry about their rugs.  Yes, that is probably from being trained on a pee pad.....  Good Luck!

  3. Hmmm, that's a tough one.  I had a GSD that when we moved to a different apt held it for 3 days because she REFUSED to potty somewhere else from where she was used to going.  My only suggestion would be to take her out often and give her time outside to give her a chance.  If there is something you could bring along with the scent of her own yard on it that may help some.

  4. puppy pads dont work they train the dog topee on the floor they dont know what pads are

  5. Since you "housebroke" her on puppy pads and did not transition her to the backyard you will have to start all over again in new places- she is confused.  I think the main issue here is that she feels safe at her home but not anywhere else.   If dogs do not feel secure in their environment they will not leave their "mark"  to alert other animals that they are in the area.  (She feels safe in a house so she will relieve herself there.) Since she holds it all night (this is in your favor) take her out  immediately in the morning to a puppy pad that you have placed outside in a corner of the yard.  When she uses it PRAISE HER.  Keep this up.  It just has to work.  Good luck.  PS:  Huskies are intelligent, just stubborn and they like to do things "their way" - so although it may take longer than you would like, be as stubborn as she is and use that to your advantage.  OR - just pack puppy pads with you when you travel, keep her kenneled when indoors and then lead her to the puppy pad outside.

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