
Huuuuuuuuuuuuge bird problem?

by Guest32835  |  earlier

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why the heck would a cardinal be pecking at my door constanly and win i try to let him in he flies to the neighbors and does it then comes back again in ten minutes or so every single day




  1. Wait.... is the bird huge or the problem?

  2. I have one that's been pecking at my back doors for three years.  It is not a problem for me.  I can only guess the fool bird sees a reflection and takes it to be a competitor.

  3. Can't find the doorbell?  Hanging out with woodpeckers?  Probably just a way to try to claim territory rather than singing.

  4. he wants to play..."knock knock"

    u shld answer..."who's there?.."

    God knows wat he'll answer...."cardinal.."

    u shld say "cardinal who??"

    he might reply .."card in a line for royal flush""......

    then u put him in for a flush......tat will solve your problems...

  5. We have a couple here that hang out by the windows looking at their reflections and 'fighting' with it. If they are disturbed, they'll fly off but be back later to fight with the interloper they see in the reflection again. Cardinal males seem to be rather persistent about it and we don't get any other types of birds doing that here.

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