
Hvae you ever been ashamed or sad because of your sign?

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Being an Aquarius rising sorta brings me down since I wanted to be an Aries rising so I have triple fire,but since I am a Leo sun and Sag moon I am not ashamed at all,but sorta sad.I like Aquarius rising characteristics but I think Aries would be cooler for ME.

What about you?

Please state your sign.




  1. yeah deffinitly, i have a scorpio moon and sometimes i think it makes me too emotionally complex and deep, and this is worse because of my cancer sun. I like my cancer sun but the scorpio moon makes me have feelings that are very serious,  intense and i think destrustive lol. I also have an aquarius rising :) i am more proud of this then other aspects, but i agree aries is a good sign to have in your chart because its very positive and streight forward!

  2. ive never been ashamed or sad of my sign lol im libra sun and aqua moon but with my rising im really not sure if it is cap or aqua(one of those two) so i sorta know what you mean, in a way im hoping my rising is aqua lol so ill get triple air. other than that ive been really proud and happy about my sign lol. youre lucky to have more fire than me lol i have none at all anywhere!

  3. im aries

    and i thnk that s**z is bull

  4. No... astrology is fun to think about, but I don't take it that seriously.

  5. i really like your question, but for the most part since i was little when i found out i was a leo, and what the characteristics were i have been satisfied, and even more so when i found out i had a moon in aries, and a rising in leo, so i know why you wanted to be a triple fire, cuz its off the chain, but on the positive side aquarius are fun and have a very sophisticated and intellecutal  personality about them that is hot also and leos tend to dig them, so it might benefit you more who knows, but you  have a lot of fire going on right now 2/3 aint bad

  6. I love being my sign.

    I'm a Scorpio and I wouldn't

    want to be any other.

  7. i'm proud being a scorpion with a leo rising

  8. Not really unless someone points it out to me....then I'm more embarressed instead of ashamed! lol....I can always find the worst time to shove my foot right in my mouth! try to be a good sport and apologize if I feel I am wrong or if I may have unintentionally hurt someones feelings (which is usually the case!)....but all in all I'm okay with my could've been worse,....I could've went down the ugly path and portrayed all the negative aspects of my sun sign....that would suck and then I would probably be ashamed if I had any morals




  9. Uhm...whoa...obsessed much? I have never been "ashamed" of my sign, it's not something I can help! And I don't put THAT much thought into it...

  10. Why would you be ashamed of your rising sign? I think you need variety/balance in your signs. Aquarius is a wonderful, forward-thinking, and unique sign. In fact I sort of wish I had some Aquarius in my chart (I have absolutely none, but I'm not whining about it)

    Nor am I sad about my birthday being on Cinco de Mayo (May 5th)...that's just ridiculous. I just look forward to giant Margarita nights at Acapulco.

    Feliz navidad, man. Whatever your "shameful" sign may be...

  11. Well sort of. i have a Scorpio Sun, a Gemini moon, and a Gemini rising.

    It sucks because I can't talk about them[Geminis] without being some what like them. I'm not ENTIRELY like them, but similar, and I don't really like having that big of an influence from Gemini's, because I have seen Gemini sun signs, and I have found problems with all of them that I have met underneath that sign.

    So [I.E.] it's like you might dislike a hypocrite but you're kind of one yourself, you know?

    And plus, I LOVE being a Scorpio, and I naturally dislike anything that takes away from it. At least if something was going to take away from, or add on shall I say, it could be a sign that I wouldn't mind such as Leo or Libra or Scorpio=), or  pieces.

  12. I love being Aquarius and wouldn't change it for the world. It's part of what makes me who I am and if I didn't love that part of me I couldn't say that I completely love myself. Everyone should be proud of what they're "made" of :o)

  13. you are talking nonsense bullcrap

  14. h**l-to=the-NO!

    Im a Scorpio... so, yeah- it's the greatest. Never lets me down. No down side what-so-ever, though supposively it has a real uncomfortable dark side- I guess it does, but I mean obviously I love it. It aint bad being a Scorp- AT ALL

    I also have an Aries moon and Virgo rising, it's a great balance (I really read into it)

  15. No I love being a scorpio.

    Wouldn't want to live as any other sign.

    Feel bad for sagi's and gem's though.

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