
Hve the Bush years made intellectual mediocrity fashionable?

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You hear all this stuff about 'common folks" and "elitists" and attacks against science coming from the Bush administration. It's almost as if these guys are ashamed of anyone with a good deal of intellect. Is it any surprise that our scores are getting lower?




  1. So far as I can see the only attacks against science have come from those who use it to advance a political agenda. Thats liberals.

  2. More like downright stupid as far as Bush is concerned and dangerously tricky by the administration.

    An Inconvenient Truth was not discredited by many and those few have been discredited themselves by having been paid off by the oil companies.  Among scientist only a very minor few argued against global warming but the media gave equal time to the 1% paid by Big Oil to disagree and equal time to the 99% who did agree.  The exception, of  course, was FOX media that when all out to lie about global warming.

  3. The poor attitude of the Bush administration towards science and education is helping to push this country into decline.  The scores on international tests are embarrassing for this country. We are falling behind in science and math.  As you see every day on Yahoo Answers, some conservatives ridicule scientists and their findings.  This mind-set is hurting us.  .

  4. You use the words "science" and "intellect" in the same sentence.....

    ... all this from the people who gave us "global warming" and Al Gore's HIGHLY DISCREDITED movie?

    ... all this from the party that ran John Kerry, who called himself an intellect, but had LOWER GRADES than Bush?

    What's nonsense will you offer us next?.... Obama is a "good choice", a "qualified candidate", an "accomplished politician"?    Nancy Pelosi is a good Speaker of the House?

  5. Here at the office we now think it's OK to say Huh?,  a lot.

  6. Yes, Bush has made stupidity openly acceptable in the GOP. That's his gift to American conservatism.

  7. I'm sad to say intellectual mediocrity has always been fashionable.

  8. When graduating from a school with a legacy "C" grade is something to brag about then one has to question just how much education has been comprised by the "elite" among us.

  9. Al Gore's 'highly discredited" movie won an oscar, which looks really good with his nobel prize.

    But back to the original question, Remember when people voted for Bush because he seemed like a guy you want to drink a beer with? OK, I don't want to drink beer with my president, I want my president to be smarter than me, not one of my beer drinking buddies. I guess that means voting for McCain is wanting to hang out with someone you want to do shots of Maalox with. Presidents are supposed to be SMART! not guys you want to hang out with.

  10. Republicans have feared intellects since the 1860s.  They try to tell us GW is bright normal...great lie.  McCain, not too smart when he was younger is now suffering from further deficits.  People running corporations and those who have made lots of money are lots smarter than Republicans in political positions.  That is why they are able to secure laws and actions which benefit their companies and their personal fortunes. That's why oil companies write energy policy and drug companies write the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.  GOP dumb serves the interests of the wealthy in their party.

  11. ever see Idiocracy?

    Brawndo: It's got what plants crave...Electrolytes

    "And what are electrolytes?"

    "what plants crave?"

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