
Hw can v cme to knw dat the guy is virgin?

by  |  earlier

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its very simple for guys to knw dat girl is virgin or no... but hw can a girl knw dat her guy is virgin or no???




  1. if u hve positive thinking&strong feeling about love,than it doesnot require to check whether he is virgin or not.

  2. Everyone excepts I have never even kissed a guy, because I am a "good girl"

    But people that see's me kiss a guy know I have.

    So nope.... You never know.

  3. You can't tell either way. The only way to know for sure is if the person tells you.

    Guys think that if a girl "bleeds" then it has to be her first time and if she doesn't she's already lost her virginity but that isn't true. Some girls have broken the hymen (what causes the bleeding) before s*x, by using tampons, doing a lot of sport, cycling...etc...

  4. u can..but dsnt apply 2 every guy...

    there is a connection btween d f******n and the d**k head...if that is broken..then d guy is not virgin...

    BuT...this is a very rare case..cause most of them beak it themselves..or get it operated..

    so indirectly u cnt actually conclude...

  5. There's no way...unless he is TRULY honest.

    There's a spell check on this by the way...


  6. Besides just asking them, or gauging his reaction, there's no way.  

  7. You can't know for sure if a guy is a virgin or not. s*x should not be done by people who don't know that.

    And actually it's not obvious if a girl is or is not. Other things like physical activity or tampons can break the hymen.

  8. You need to learn how to spell and use grammar because I can't understand a dam word you're saying. Its just stupid...maybe if you spell right, I'll come back and answer your question

  9. you never know..................hehee

  10. heh heh, you cant

  11. There is no way to check out..... one thing you can check, while mating if he found your ????? easily and put his ????? inside directly. then you can guess.

  12. You can't.  And guys really can't know for sure if a girl is a virgin, either.  Her hymen might stretch and not actually tear, or it might tear from masturbating or inserting a tampon, or it might tear during intercourse but not bleed or cause pain.

  13. i dont think so

  14. No way... you need to believe the person, thats it.

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