
Hybrid cars? best answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hybrid car

1.What does it run on?

2.Do you charge it to a power outlet or something or do you just people like a gallon of gas in it?

3.if you do put gas in it.. how much?

4.Does it fuction just like cars on gasoline? like mileage and stuff

5.Is there a motorcycle thats a hybrid?

6.Does hybrid cars need oil chages?

Please answer!

but in like car words to girl translation..




  1. they work just like regular cars you need to take them in for maintenance just like other cars they run on gas and charge there batteries by taking power from the brakes and the alternator and can be plugged in they probably take about 10 gallons of gas and the toyotas and hondas get between 40-70 miles to the gallon. its a hybrid because it runs on an electric motor some of the time and it runs on the gas motor other times. if you get one avoid all the american models because they are all purposely under powered and get crappy gas mileage. the hondas and toyotas have been good for a while and have won many many awards worldwide in the field.  I hope this helps . good luck

  2. runs on Greece from like fries can plug it in but it needs a little bit of gas for if you were going to go up a hill or it runs out of battery. food restaurants give it out for free.


    5.there is not a motorcycle but a scooter wheel.

    6.i think so not sure but i think it does!!

  3. 1-gas/electric,gas/hydrogen,total electric, diesel/biofuel,fuelcell

    2-electric vehicle would be charged by this means, other types will selfcharge

    3-depends on tank size 10 to 20 gallon

    4-not quite the same as normal vehicle, extended mileage on fossil fuel over electric.

    5-yes, electric cycles are available

    6-depends on the type of fuel being used. total electric needs very little maintenance, but cannot travel as far as the other types

  4. Hybrid car

    1.What does it run on?



    2.Do you charge it to a power outlet or something or do you just people like a gallon of gas in it?

    Just add gas.  They charge themselves. Some people modify them so it can be charged (plugged in) and save even more money / $$.


    3.if you do put gas in it.. how much?

    That depends on each car.


    4.Does it fuction just like cars on gasoline? like mileage and stuff

    Yes, except it get better gas mileage.


    5.Is there a motorcycle thats a hybrid?

    NO.  Not widely sold. Because motorcycles already get good gas mileage.


    6.Does hybrid cars need oil chages?

    Yes.  They have gasoline engine + electric motor. So they need oil change


    Please answer!

    but in like car words to girl translation..

    That's cute.

    good Luck...

  5. 1. It has a gas engine and an electric motor.

    2. No, just put gas on it. The gas engine recharges the battery when you drive.

    3. Same as a regular car. Maybe $45-50 to fill a tank.

    4. pretty much yes. The first 0-20mph, it runs on an electric motor. When you go faster, the gas engine turns on and startes to recharge the battery. When you slow down, the gas engine turns off again and you use the electric motor.

    5. No.

    6. Yes.

    You need to change the Hybrid cars batteries every 100,000 miles and they cost $4,000 to replace.

    Hybrid cars are so expensive that it takes over 8 years to get the money back from what you saved on gas.

    In a recent test with the Honda Fit and Toyota Prius, the Honda Fit was chosen as the better choice. It saves you more money.

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